The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Congratulations all on your fantastic efforts! You now have your PINK badges!



Done it!

Done it. Medra i siarad Cymraeg… Well, a little bit. More than five weeks ago anyway :wink:

Done it!


Done! Unfortunately, the sentences were not as long as I would have liked them to be.

Done it :slight_smile:

Done it !!

Done it!

Excellent efforts everyone!

You now have your PINK badges! :smile:



Done it!


Done it

1 Like

Done it! This has been fun. Definitely struggling to remember bod vs bo’fi!

Done it. Twice. And enjoying the game.

Gwneud o!

Done it, and thrilled to still be on track despite having second child 3 weeks ago.

Brilliant work all of you! You now have your PINK badges - Llongyfarchiadau! :smiley:


I can completely this task in less than 5 minutes .