This forum - How to ... & similar things

Oh, pity about that…

@theblacksparrow had a good idea - if you set up a Google doc, you can start a thread here with the Google doc embedded in the first post - then, whenever you change the Google doc, the changes will be automatically available in the embed… how does that sound? :sunny:

Mmmmm … it looks like desert to me! I thought this software is super smart but I didn’t try it to do this. It sounds VERY interesting.

But, @craigf, from my experiences with Dropbox and SoundCloud, don’t forget to “share” the document so that our software will have access to the file in order to be embeded. (just a thought or suggestion, nothing more).

Well, to be honest this looks even better then PBWorks (no offence though just pondering my thoughts again…)

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I will look into it and I believe it was @mikeellwood who suggested it. :wink:

Thanks for the hint. :smile:


I didn’t think of the “embedding” though! :slight_smile: Will be interesting to see how that works out.

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Bit like this I reckon…


WOW! And links are active in embed! I already love this @theblacksparrow! Diolch yn fawr iawn!

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Would the proper translation for Welsh Nature Vocabulary be Geirfa Natur Cymraeg?


Here are a lot of different ways to talk about collections of words:

I’d go with Cymraeg rather than Cymreig because we are specifically talking about language here… :sunny:

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Thanks to the discourse developers!

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Yes, but still, I’d never come to this idea there wouldn’t be you to post it. :slight_smile:

How does one actually do an embed? Is it the same as an “upload”

Just paste the link into the message and discourse does the rest.

I believe this software is so smart you just post a link and software will embed it. If not then use BB php coding. To be honest I don’t know the codes right now but I can do some testing and research later on. :slight_smile:

Well, but let’s see …

Umm … well, I’ve tried but that’s not that simple though …

Ummm … @theblacksparrow it doesn’t for me. Obviously I’m doing something wrong.

Phiew! Thank you @craigf. I finally managed to do so, but on the PC. Obviously on tablet you don’t have such options.

This is just test, I’ll delete it later on. :slight_smile: If someone is into the gaming I’ll leave this on here for some hours if you want to read. It’s one of Radio Cardiff presenter’s (Rachel Price’s) review of Kinect when it came out in 2010 for our gaming forum I was admin on.

Later on, as it is not SSi related I’ll delete it as I just wanted to test how things are going on with embeding.

@theblacksparrow or @Kinetic - before people start to use this I’d like to clear up one thing though: would forum load any slower if more embeds like this would be made or if large docs would be embeded? If it could slow down the forum I wouldn’t recommend massive usage of this. :slight_smile:

You know … tech beast in me wants to be certain all goes smoothly in all aspects and directions. :slight_smile:

Well, I decided I won’t edit out the embed as on this embed all post is built up so … the article remains despite it’s not SSi related though.


I just tried too and it didn’t work. If I open the link in a browser when not logged into Google, I can see it. So, it’s viewable.

EDIT: I found out you have to explicitly Publish the document. Open the doc, go to File > Publish to the Web.

Obviously I’ll have to do this on PC. Obviously I dont have these options on tablet.

Edited upper post what means I succeeded to do things properly … :slight_smile:

@tatjana your post above has a green tint and a green pencil icon in the upper right says “this post is a wiki; basic users can edit it”. Any idea how you did that? :smile:

Sorry, that was me…

I was looking to see what the issue was with the google doc link, and I couldn’t resist pushing the button to make the post a wiki to see what would happen!

Looks as though the post becomes editable by anyone.

Interesting feature. Do wiki posts have edit time limits as well?

This sounds interesting.

Hehe, I thought @aran did that since he tried to figure out something too. :slight_smile:

I tried to embed Polaris Office post too as I’ve started some more useful notes with that program, but didn’t find out if there’s any chance to do so though.

On the other hand, @theblacksparrow I don’t know how global now this post above is editable so it might be very useful to return it to previous state to prevent someone from the net would possibly have the access to edit our things (if you know what I mean).