Translation question

I have an app that runs in either English or Welsh, but in a couple of cases I don’t have the Welsh version of some text.

My workaround is to fall back to the English, but I want to prefix it with a message in Welsh to indicate that the Welsh is missing (so it’s clear that the app is still running in Welsh mode, and hasn’t somehow switched back to English).

How’s this?

Wps, Cymraeg ddim ar gael eto. Mae’n ddrwg 'da ni!

That seems to work well enough.

Wps! Mae’n flin 'da ni. Dyw’r Gymraeg ddim ar gael eto.

This is really informal, though. I hope that’s the tone you’re aiming for. Would it be too much extra effort to add a link so that users could suggest a translation?

Yeah, sorry, I hate feature creep too.

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Not as informal as “dim cymraeg eto” which I just found in there as the first go!

It’s for the Machynlleth Comedy Festival (last weekend in April, btw), so informality is fine.

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Diolch, for all the responses.

App is now live for both iOS and Android.

Here are some links. It’s only really of interest to those attending the Machynlleth Comedy Festival this year, or those strange people with a fascination for installing apps, clicking on “Options”, choosing “newid i gymraeg” and then the “Diweddarwch nawr” button this coming weekend, and thus - in all innocence - artificially inflating the Welsh language usage stats


Superb. I’ll have to download this as we’re coming down on the Sunday!

Siop Alys (next to the Owain Glyn Dwr building) is the place to go for Welsh language shows.

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I’ve already got tickets for Ellis James solo and with pay day tomorrow I think me and my wife are just going to have a browse online and pick something to watch before Ellis and something to watch after. :slight_smile: