Welsh conversation practice in Australia

Iawn! Sounds good, I think you allready have my skype details?

Dim porblem! PM sent.

I believe I added you on Skype, yes. :slight_smile:

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Hi Andrew, I will be back in Brissy by 9 September. I’ll add you to the list if you send me your Skype name. The next chat is on the last thursday in September, the 28th. I’ll be in touch before then. Welcome to our group.


Sut oedd Cymru Lyyne? Dw i’n gobeitho oedd ti’n cael amser dda!

dr.andrew.rees is my skype

dr.andrew.rees is my Skype

Hi Lynne,

I’ve pencilled in this Thursday. Is it still on?
Dwi’n teimlo nerfus iawn, ond mae dal mynd i gneud.



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Does anyone have an update on this Australian Skype meetup?


Hi Lynne,

Any chance there will be a meet up that I can join?

I think that I sent my Skype name before, but perhaps that didn’t work.


Kind regards


Hello Andy, I did send you a Skype request but haven’t heard back yet. I’m very sorry for the mix up with the date. I made a mistake. It’s october, not September. The reason is that I couldn’t guarantee I would be available in September. I did ask if someone else would fill in but there were no volunteers. I can chat with you in the meantime if you would like. My life is quite difficult at the moment as my son in law has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. They live next door to me. They have four children and I am on call these days. Just give me a few options and I’ll do what I can. I also need the practise.

Hello again. My email address is lynfreud@hotmail.com. It says on Skype that we are contacts.


No problem, sorry to hear about your son-in-law. I did recently notice you appear in my Skype contacts. I look forward to catching up in due course. Stressful times, it’s easy to get mixed up.

I am usually free in the evenings - Tuesday to Thursday. We are going to Darwin this weekend to see our daughter and granddaughter.

Does that afford any options?



So sorry to hear about your son-in-law, @lynne_freudigmann. I do hope everything goes well for him with his treatment. They are lucky to have you living so close for support. Cwtches mawr! :heart:

Thank you Dee. It was quite a shock to come home to. They have a hard road ahead but because I live next door it makes it easier for me to be there for them. I had a great time in Aber at the Cwrs haf. The first two weeks were hard but by the end of the four weeks I felt like a confident welsh speaker. After returning to my brother in Neath I met with a family friend who married a native speaker and now, of course, is fluent herself. I was happy to be able to converse with them both for over an hour and the welsh came naturally. I was amazed at my ability to understand and speak without hesitation. Later I went to the welsh shop in Abertawe and spent some time talking with a group there. I’m very excited and happy that I am now calling myself a welsh speaker and not just a learner. Since being back in Brisbane I have been reading the books I bought and Skyping with Bronwen Lewis. I’m planning to do the Cwrs Uwch next year but that will depend on how things are here. Thank you for your encouragement at Bootcamp.


Su’mae bawb! I realise this is quite an old thread. I’m a Welsh tutor with 7 years experience. I’ve just moved to Sydney with my partner who is from here. I am looking for new, enthusiastic Welsh learners! I’m available for learners of all ages and experience in Sydney and by Skype to all those in the Southern Hemisphere! Hit me up if you reckon I can help in any way. Diolch, Alys

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OK, from SE Qld. How do I contact you?

Hi you can email me on cymraegsydney@gmail.com

Hi Andrew. I’m late coming into this thread, but would like to be included in any online catch up for Aussies or New Zealanders. Message me if there is one coming up soon.

Hi Sebastian,

You are most welcome to join us. Are you on WelshSpeakingPractice on Slack? If not, send an email to admin@saysomethinginwelsh.com to let them know that you would like to join. It is free.

From there, we can add you to our chat area along with the various keen Welsh speakers from around the world.

