Welsh Music Videos and Audio Files

Thank you. Faiths Song is on YouTube with lyrics English and Welsh. I got that line too. It’s surprising how many Welsh words I recognise. Problem is those songs get stuck in your head really badly.

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You could make a very good case for Cowbois Rhos being the best band in the world, you know.


Clawr Rod Stewart?

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I’m completely hooked on Bwncath’s “Clywed dy lais” Can anyone help me with the lyrics? I’ve managed to get about half of them.

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With a few missing bits and pieces, here’s what I have made out so far. Feel free to add and correct:

Mae’n mor braf clywed dy lais (yn galw i)
Yn galw i yn ol o’r paith
O’r diffeithwch fuodd cynt (yr wyf yn hwylio)
Rwyf yn hwylio ar y gwynt

Dw i 'di bod ers amser maith
Chwilio’n daear am byllau dwr ar y daith
Erbyn hyn mae 'n ngwddw 'n sych
[?] ar gysgod y gwrych
Mi welais dwr mor glir, doedd o’m yn wir
Dim ond gwres yn dawnsio ar dir


Daeth dy lais yn rhannol mud
fuan iawn ar ol mi adael y crud
i fy hebrwng fesul troed
tua’r glastir bras [?] y coed
sy’ ar goll cyn hir mewn [?]
collais olwg ar y gwir


Galw fi yn ol am lymaid bach o ddwr (2x)

Cytgan 2x


Live version of “Fel Hyn 'Da Na Fod”.
(Also, I like this version in particular, because I find it amusing to watch the confetti stick to Elidyr’s head. I’m incredibly childish, it seems. :laughing:)


Oh no poor Elidyr, someone on the production didn’t think that one through :-(:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Wow Hendrik, that’s brilliant. Diolch o galon. Here’s a few little bits to add to it

Erbyn hyn mae’n ngwddw’n sych + mi fod glynau+ ar gysgod y gwrych

Tua’r glastir bras +dy twrbau(!?)+y coed

Sy’ar goll cyn hir mewn +awel am ddim+

I’ll go and find a Welsh friend to check it for me. Thanks again