What to do next in the learning process?

Where to continue conversational welsh - we have completed the first 25 lessons in SSIW, have completed Mynediad 1 and 2 and also Sylfaen 1 and 2 over a period of 3 years. We have also completed the Mynediad 1 exam and passed this.
We are not sure what course to do next as we have a good range of words and tenses in Welsh but are unable to have the confidence to speak more Welsh. Some advice please on what would be best as a next move. My husband does not like the classroom setting and wants only to talk to me, my daughter and grandson where as I feel I learn more in a class setting but both of us lack the confidence to actually speak Welsh.


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The old Course 1, or the (new) Level 1?

If it was the old Course 1, I’d recommend moving over and doing Level 1 for free while you still can.

If it was Level 1, I’d recommend forking out for Level 2… :slight_smile:


You say you have completed the first 25 lessons of SSiW. Do you mean just level one or have you subscribed and done levels 2 and 3 as well?

Regarding speaking, you could join the Slack channel where there are lots of online chats, either one-to-one or group Hangouts.