Who knows

Listening to Level 1 challenge 13 I have heard what appears to be two slightly different ways to say “WHO KNOWS”

Firstly I heard “WHO KNOWS YOU” spoken as “SY’N DY NABOD”

Later I heard “SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU” spoken as “RHYWUN SY’N NABOD…”

Why the difference?

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Hi @david-rees-4

Yes, the full compliment would be:

Dy nabod di = to know you

…in speech, either the ‘dy’ or the ‘di’ might be dropped - and SSIW gives you them all at various points so you can get your ear in.

If the ‘dy’ was dropped beforehand - any mutation it would have caused remains regardless (and can be used by itself in fact) - but don’t worry about it - all these things all fall into place as you go through.

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch Rich

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I see that the Welsh for "to tell me " is “dweud wrtha’i”

The Welsh for “to tell me something” is “dweud rhwybeth wrtha’i”, which seems like “to tell something to me”. Why isn’t it “dweud wrtha’i rhwybeth”

Is this a rule that I need to learn?

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Well, yes…

Dweud wrtha fi is literally Say to me

But of course Tell me is used as a less formal/ shorter translation normally

But thinking of it this way…when it comes to telling you something, it is easier to see how it is

Say something to me
Dweud rhywbeth wrtha i

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch Rich

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