If I’d listen to that one I’d be ill for week and my stomack would cry (instead of me) … But I’m not that bad “listener” either anymore, am I? -
Oh, this picture above was swiftly created especially for you. I really mean it even if you’d not master lessons by then. Going through 5 sessions a day is prety much to me. I just yesterday found out I can’t properly do even two. So you really amaze me no matter what.
No you didn’t, Tatjana - you found out that you’re more tired when you do the second one, and that you’re a little further off your extremely high expectations of yourself. You did NOT find out that you can’t do it.
Ayayay …
I’m just on to start Challenge 15 now, the last one I’ll give it a second go. I’ve slept only 2 hours today so I’m curious how this will influence the outcome. I know there are a lot of "he told me to tell you … so …
(read egnition as I didn’t find other emo … )
This will definitely influence the outcome negatively - it would be better for you not to do a session on a day when you haven’t had enough sleep
I did better then a day before. From my head it was 64 % or so … But yes, I know this, I just can’t miss lesson but I also just can’t get into bed earlier. The time goes so fast by …
Diolch @aran.
Showing you’re right to work from the presumption that your working memory is weak, so you need tactics to get around that…
I just had a go at this and got to level 7. I’d rate the levels an 8/10, there were bits that were very tricky (4/10) and others that were closer to an 8/10
I just had another go at this. 4.5 (out of three tries last time that was the best I could do ). I find the SSIW system vastly easier than anything else I’ve ever tried, and it suits me really well, so 9/10.
This idea of working memory and it’s effects on how to learn things has really been playing on my mind.
I can see that I have absolutely no problem remembering three things one after the other (bit like a pigeon, or so I’ve heard). But what does this mean?
I suspect that the three things I can manage can be fairly complex, actually, as long as I can see them as belonging together. A long sentence when first presented to me may have had too many different components for me to be able to hang on to if I thought of every word as a component, but even one of @aran or @Iestyn’s most demonic sentences is rarely more than three patterns or structures tied together (although the complexity of the structures might well numb your brain!). The more the patterns sink in and bits and pieces belong together, the easier they are to remember as a single ‘dot’. I feel as though I can remember and produce fairly lengthy sentences with only a bit of brain leakage, but I still test poorly. We need a new test!
You know, I just repeat the Challenges as long as my ‘sorry excuse for a brain’ needs to memorise and remember, because nothing else helps. So, I keep preaching to myself to stop complaining, shut the fish up and crawl on
That’s my phrase of the week…
Now that’s absolutely fascinating - thank you SO much for sharing. I’ve been seeing in the intensives that there are some people who test fine on the CogMed test (6, for example) who still have some difficulties with SSiW - so I’m slowly growing to believe that there are a range of variables in the mix here, of which the CogMed test picks up some… and it’s very interesting that there may be a (partial) disconnect between visual and audio working memory (but fits other known stuff about neural processing)…
Level 7?!? My younger son did the test, too, and just like you, reached level 7. He said that he didn’t focus his eyes, but relaxed them and let them ‘rest’ on the center of the doted field. When the dots lit up, he perceived an orange line that connected all lit up dots and that he could follow. But he isn’t sure whether this line is sort of a visual effect or a picture his brain creates as a memory help. He will repeat the test tomorrow, when he’s rested and fresh
I got to 5.5. I wish that I could compare this with my younger self because I definitely think that my memory has got worse. As for SSiW, I am carrying on regardless, currently at Level 2 Challenge 8, occasionally getting a sentence right, often getting a couple of words right, sometimes managing to say nothing at all. I don’t manage any of the long sentences because I forget how the English ends. I trust that somewhere in the background my brain is working on it. I don’t know how to estimate the difficulty. If I worried about getting it right then it would be very difficult. Having decided to go with the flow, the level of difficulty seems irrelevant. It is strangely compulsive.
It will be - as long as you don’t have too many absolute blanks…
I find it absolutely tedious that during the second half of my female cycle, my memory goes from weak to absolutely beneath contempt. It’s not just an illusion, believe me, and it’s not an emotional issue, as I don’t suffer from hormonal mood changes at all. Forgive me for writing something like this, but, as far as I’m informed, hormones do have an effect on brain activity, just like neurotransmitters. Please correct me if I’m talking nonsense…
Hi @Claudia_Beryan. Female cycle? Oh yes, I remember something of the sort. There are advantages to being old.
Just to prove to myself that I have learned something, I went back and did Level 1 challenge 25. Not too bad. I have trouble remembering short forms of verbs (I think that’s what they are). Also I seem to get mutations wrong, but I mostly said something reasonably close to the answer.
In my next life, I want to be a man! I’m not going through this again
I once knew someone with perfect pitch who was (perfectly) half a tone flat, consistently, always, at certain times of her cycle - so yes, I think there may well be neurotransmitters involved…
That is a remarkable achievement - ‘not too bad’ on Level 1 Challenge 25 is a huge success…
That’s very interesting! I wonder if the hormones affected her hearing or perception of sounds…or maybe her voice. This monthly (vicious) cycle often is such a drag.