Wyt ti used as 'do you' and 'did you' in level 2 challenge 12

In 6 mins SSIW - level 2 Week 74 - one example - wyt ti dweud - in this challenge is definitely used as both do you ( thou ) and did you ? Is this a mistake in the SSIW course ? Or is it fluid ?

Hi @JohnLever

At what point (time) in the challenge is the example you are talking about?

Rich :slight_smile:

Quite early on ie in 1st 6 mins of level 2 challenge 12 and I think an example in last 12 mins.
Pretty sure it is there ( no smile ).

Might it have been 'wyt ti ‘di dweud’ spoken quickly for ‘did you’?

Could be also could be o’ti ( most likely I think ).

Thanks a lot for your help - much appreciated.
