Xmas shopping in Oxford?

If you happen to be visiting Oxford/Rhydychen for some Xmas shopping (people do! - and, with a new shopping centre, more this year), and if you’d like a bit of a break from the bwrlwm Nadolig for a little Cymraeg, do let us know - with luck we might perhaps be able to set up an ad hoc meetup with one or two of our SSiW group
Hwyl, John


A quick bump for our invitation to anyone visiting Oxford/Rhydychen to join us for a bit of ymarfer Cymraeg either at one of our regular meetups (from 12:00 in the Modern Art Oxford/MOA cafe in Pembroke St, close by the Westgate Shoppin Centre - see https://forum.saysomethingin.com/t/oxford-welsh-learners-group/675/519 ) or an ad hoc meetup on another day might be possible if we can get people together.
Nadolig llawen!


If you happen to be coming to do some Xmas shopping in Oxford tomorrow, Fri 22nd, don’t forget you’d be very welcome to join the SSiW Oxford meet-up from 12:00 in Modern Art Oxford’s cafe (entrance in Pembroke St & St Ebbes St next door to the Westgate Shopping Centre)
Nadolig Llawen!