Yikes, it's an update! Aran's still alive! 10th birthday party - waiting list

I am utterly confused about “Glastoncymru”… is there anything I should have taken in these last three months?

Um… not sure… apart from it being a Friday to Sunday event? :slight_smile:

More details soon, I promise. A big week to get out of the way this week, and then next week I’ll put some real effort in… :slight_smile:

Please put me on the waiting list - I’d love to come. I tried to book just now as it was showing 1 space available, but it’s now saying fully booked before I could complete the booking. Diolch yn fawr iawn!

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Hi Aran and everyone. If possible, could I be added to the waiting list too, please? I know its very late but if an opportunity does arise then I would love to join the celebrations. Diolch :slightly_smiling_face:

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Latest here - we’re pretty clear on the guest list and the room for waiting list people, so I’ll be doing two things next week (once I get back from a flying trip to Cardiff) - a) pinging everyone who’s already booked for the final payment, and b) letting waiting listers know if there’s a space for them - we won’t be able to fit everyone in, but we are doing our best… :slight_smile:

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Www diolch yn fawr Aran! Hwyl fawr, Mari

Hi Aran. Can you put me down as last reserve please? Just in case you get any last minute cancellations.

I don’t want to take anyone’s place - so will be more than happy to stay in reserve right up to the date. No probs at all if the opportunity doesn’t arise.

Ladies and gentlemen!

So sorry for the unconscionable delay. I have been slightly snowed under battling various tax-type monsters - it’s been a roller-coaster start to the year!

But now, just before deciding to panic instead of to organise, I’ve got my act in gear… :slight_smile:

There are 11 spare places.

I’ve messaged the people who’ve posted in this thread - I’m going to give them until next week before opening it up further (only fair, after I’ve been so slack!)…

But in the meantime, if anyone else would like a place, post in here, and I’ll send access details as and when they open up in the next couple of days… :slight_smile:

And then… next week… I’ll actually get around to asking everyone for the balance!! :smiley:


Ooh are we too late? Helen and I would like to come (assuming Helen survives her first bwtcamp next week! :joy:)


No, you’re just in time! We’ve got 3 places left… I’ll send you the link… :slight_smile:

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Book! Book now!


done :slight_smile:


Interested If there is still a space left?

Amazingly I appear not to be working that weekend!



And I think I’m right in saying, ladies and gentlemen, that is our final space gone (if my sums are right - I’ve got a feeling I’ve got one extra on the actual booking form)… and it couldn’t have gone to a finer bootcamper… :star: :star2:

Rob, it’s bed-time here - I’ll ping you link/password tomorrow :slight_smile: :heart:

Ha! Diolch yn fawr

I’m currently on the sea front at brighton de-rigging a festival and dreaming of Caernarfon :sunglasses:

Nos da Aran


Hi folks!

Now, I think I’ve emailed everyone in here - but if I’ve missed you out, and you want a place, I’m currently crunching numbers and trying to keep somewhere near sane figuring out how many spaces we have left with a handful of last minute ‘can’t make it’ - but I’m pretty certain that we currently have 3 or 4 spaces open.

If you’d like to come, PM me - first come first served… :slight_smile:


Oh dear, our dog sitters have let us down -one has had a knee operation and the other has adopted a baby, how very dare they!- so I don’t think we’ll be able to come after all…is there anyone on the waiting list that would buy our tickets? They come with a generous donation to the party over-spend fund :wink:

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Boo, I was looking forward to catching up!


We may have a dog-in Campervan-in-venue-car park plan B!


I’ll pitch in to the dog sitter overspend fund!