Yorkshire Learners Group

It was great to see so many people again at the meeting! :man_cartwheeling:

I am hoping that someone rescued my Welsh walks book? :roll_eyes:

I nearly picked it up earlier on (I had been reading it on the train!) but I think someone was looking at it…and then when I left to watch the rugby, I forgot to pick it up! :crazy_face:

I’m fairly sure somebody would have taken it for a quick look through.

Rich :slight_smile:

Raymond has it! ( thank you) :partying_face:

Please remember that this Saturday we will be meeting in the bar of
and then we will decide if we prefer to stay there long-term.

See you on Saturday


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Hi Raymond. Sorry, but with the virus news being ramped up every day, I think that I will probably not be coming to Leeds this Saturday because of the 2 bus journeys. I did though have an hour long conversation in Welsh with someone in our choir in York for the first time today!

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So, calling all Leeds go-ers…or anyone else who wants to join in - it’s ‘the more the merrier’ as far as I’m concerned! :upside_down_face:

There will be a Skype session at 12 on Saturday…sort of in lieu of the Say Something In Welsh meeting in Leeds…but potentially allowing everyone to connect up and chat separately afterwards.

We are using Skype because it seems more people have got it than anything else, at this point. With Skype someone needs to send an invite to attendees - so I’ll do this.

So the question is - would you like to join the meeting?!

My Skype name is Richard Bowering Harrogate if you want to connect to me - or just PM me yours - and I’ll find/ connect to you.

Raymond is poorly with the virus at the moment - we wish him a speedy recovery - not sure if he will be on the call. Iona has had it too but is recovering - just spoken to her! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me know!

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi rich, I’m stefi. This is my first day on the course. I live near Leeds in Huddersfield. Is the group for everyone? I obviously hardly know any Welsh as yet! I’m an artist with M.E and learning Welsh because I love the sound of the language and a close friend is welsh. Anyway I would be happy just hearing others converse, might pick something up eventually. Best wishes steph

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Hi @stephanie-ingham

Croeso to SSIW - its rocket ship trip to speaking Welsh - good choice!

Yes, the meetings are for everyone - anyone is welcome to join (wherever you are)…yes, I agree, just listening and being involved helps I think.

We tried meeting online on Saturday and it was absolutely fine - so we are going to do it every Saturday - at noon - whilst the current situation continues - if you want to join the next one.

We are using Skype for this - I don’t know if you use it - not very trendy!..but takes 2 mins to set up on your phone I’ve found.

My user is Richard Bowering Harrogate if you want to search for me and give me a wave - I can then add you to the invite.

It sounds like you might have a practice partner with your friend too - fantastic!

Which course have you signed up for?

Rich :slight_smile:

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Helo rich, thanks for the lovely welcome :blush:. I’ve signed up for the six months course. Yes hoping to practice speaking with them and with you guys hopefully. I have a Skype account so will join in, it sounds great. Thank you! :cherry_blossom: steph

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Weekly Online Meet up

It went so well last week we decided to ‘go weekly’! :smile:

So, there will be another virtual Leeds meet tomorrow at noon - tipyn o sgwrs a hwyl - a bit of conversation and fun in these restricted times.

We are on the old school platform of Skype at the moment - and good news - Eileen has sorted out her Skype issues, so she will be joining as well!

Anyone welcome, wherever you are - just send me a wave or a connect request on Skype and I’ll add you to the meeting invite.

On Skype I’m Richard Bowering Harrogate

See you tomorrow!

Rich :slight_smile:

Weekly Online Meet up - Show and Tell!!!

So, for a bit of fun, on Saturday at noon, we’ll do ‘show and tell’…to give everone who wants to, the chance to say a bit of Welsh about a ‘thing’ of their choosing.

It can be absolutely anything - your favourite tea pot, for example(!) - anything which you are able to say a little bit about, of your own choosing - and perhaps answer a couple of questions.

You can bring more than one if you like - but we’ll do one item each to start - and go round again for second items and so on.

Remember it’s for fun - so no stress or massive preparation required!

As usual, anyone welcome - wherever you are - Leeds, Yorkshire - or not - just send me a wave or a connect request on Skype and I’ll add you to the meeting invite.

On Skype I’m Richard Bowering Harrogate

See you Saturday at noon!

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi Rich Only just seen your email today and would like to join on-line meetings. Chris

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Hi @chrissie

Yes, of course.

We chose Skype initially based upon ‘who had what’ already working - to minimise the chance of technology getting in the way ( we are all in the business of making do and mending in all sorts of ways at the moment aren’t we…?) :smile:

However, as the numbers on the call have increased, it became clear on Saturday that we had reached / exceeded the limit of what Skype can naturally handle.

So, we agreed we were going to have to bite the bullet…most people on the call also had zoom (with good experiences) - so we agreed to try that next time and that those who don’t have it, will try installing it…

Do you have it already (if not I can help with the setting up)?

Rich :slight_smile:

Weekly Online Meet up - Quiz!!!

So, this week, Helen - who is one of our tamed, natural language speakers…(well mostly tamed) - is going to do…A quiz! :woman_cartwheeling: :champagne: :trophy:

This is for a bit of fun - Saturday at noon - and will give everyone who wants to, the chance to say a bit of Welsh and potentially answer a question - whether right or wrong!

As usual, anyone welcome - wherever you are - Leeds, Yorkshire - or not.

We are using Zoom this time. If you’ve not used this before I can do a 2 min meeting with you just to check it all works.

Let me know if you want to attend and I’ll send you the link to click on.

Remember it’s for fun - so no stress or massive preparation required!

See you Saturday at noon!

A big thank you to Helen! :sunny:

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi Rich That sounds like a good idea. We have family zoom catch ups and this week we started to play 20 questions
It was chaotic but good fun! Hope you are well. Chrissie

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Leeds Online Meeting

So, we had a few technology challenges last time - but not all related to switching to zoom (mine anyway). I’m pleased to say Eileen is up and running with zoom as of last night so will be there on Saturday! :dancer:

So, Helen is going to do a quiz as we are all joining (or trying to) - let’s see who can do the best out of 2 questions each plus bonuses!

Then, why don’t we give everyone a chance to say something - if they want to: (tiny bit of structure now we have more people :crazy_face:)

…but remember it’s for fun - no stress allowed :sunny:

…some ideas:

  • Just listen - listening is fine
  • Show & tell
  • Review/ recommend a Book, TV program (or place)
  • ‘This helped me learn’…
  • Word of the week proposal (what it is and why)
  • Have you heard about…this? (Event, current affairs)
  • joke, anecdote, game
  • …anything really :upside_down_face:

It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know if you want to attend and I’ll send you the link.

Let’s give it a whirl and see what happens!

Rich :slight_smile:

Can you send me the link. I might ‘come to’ listen. It’s a long time since I have been to a meeting. Ruth

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Hi Ruth,

Ok great, I’ll send it by PM now…,

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi, I’d like to come on Saturday please :slight_smile:

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Gwych! Great!

…I’ve noticed from your posts that you’ve been whipping through the challenges!

I will send you the link via PM…12 noon Sat…

I look forward to meeting you then!.. am tipyn o hwyl…for a bit of a laugh :smile:

Rich :slight_smile:

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Ha yes, the plus side of the lockdown! I’ll have to slow down on June 1st when I go back to work.

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