Bo’fi and yn

Hi there. Lesson 3 of challenge 1. Bit confused when listening. Is bo’ fi sometimes followed by yn? Sounds like it in front of cofio for example but this wasn’t pointed out and isn’t in the vocabulary section. Many thanks diolch

Hi Helwn,
I don’t know the grammatical terms, but you need “yn” if you link a verbnoun with a form of “bod”. And bo’ fi is a form of bod. You don’t need the “yn” if you say something like: that I want (bo’ fi isio) or that I need (bo’ fi angen) because" isio" and “angen” aren’t verbnouns.
I hope that helps a bit. I’m sure someone with more knowledge can explain better.
Good luck with the course.


Yes that is really helpful. A verb noun is What we call a gerund in English I think. I mean I know what a gerund is it’s the -ing Form of the verb like swimming or eating et cetera. But I’m not sure if a verb known in Welsh is the same however it seems to fit what I’ve learnt so far.

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The verbnoun in Welsh is virtually identical to the gerund in English - the only real (and unimportant) difference is that it doesn’t have a characteristic ending. :slight_smile:


Someone in this thesis was making comparisons regarding verb nouns between Irish, Welsh and Basque - you get referenced as well.

VNThesis.pdf.pdf (2.5 MB)


Link doesn’t work for me. :confused:

Hopefully now - I don’t really understand much of it mind, but was curious about the Basque comparison and not sure what the conclusions are.


Thank you @Toffidil!

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Thank you nice and lovely helpful people

You’re a big star diolch mawr

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Diolch! :open_mouth:

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Ooh, I’ve recently started learning a little Basque. This looks very interesting! Diolch yn fawr :slight_smile:


except i think the conclusions seemed to be that Basque does have examples of verb nouns, but it’s not widespread, because the author here says that it would create structural overload.

Good luck with the Basque - I would love to have a better knowledge of it, because it’s such a special language, but I seriously doubt I’d ever be able to master it.

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