Completed level 1 of Southern Welsh course :-)

Well I finally completed level 1 of the Southern Welsh course. It’s taken me about 2 months, and I’m really pleased with my progress. What an excellent course. I’m definitely going to subscribe to ‘SSI…’ after my next payday (next week). In the meantime, I’ve decided to also start going through the old Southern course out of curiosity, and I’m now up to lesson 6.

A question: in the (Southern) old course, ‘I can’ is taught as ‘dwi’n gallu’, whereas in the new (Southern) course it’s taught as ‘galla’i’. Out of the 2, I actually prefer to use ‘gallu’, so was wondering if there’s any real difference between the two, and whether I can simply use ‘gallu’ instead of ‘galla’ and still sound like a natural Welsh speaker?


Hey, congratulations! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I can’t help you with the question, but I’m sure you’ll soon get an answer to it. :wink:


Hi Neil, well done on your progress so far!

“galla’i” is simply a shortened form of “dwi’n gallu”. There’s no real difference between the two and although “galla’i” would sound more natural in some cases you’ll be fine sticking with whichever you find comfortable - as you learn more, hear more, and speak more, you may find that you switch over automatically but don’t worry too much about it at this stage. What’s important is that you are aware of alternative forms even if you don’t choose to use them (because then when you hear them in use they won’t throw you completely) :smiley:


Thanks for your reply, that’s very helpful :grinning: I’m sure I’ll get to know all these differences once I get more experience of Welsh.


Huge congratulations - that’s a fantastic achievement… :star: :star2:

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That’s a great accomplishment, Neil. A huge door has been opened, at least it has for me. Hope you find opportunities to use your new skills!


@neil-kendall Congratulations! Da iawn ti! :star:


Da iawn Neil, that is really well done!

You’ll find a few alternative ways to say things between the levels and the courses. They are all perfectly valid, and you’ll never get into trouble for using the “wrong” one, even if there is a subtle difference.

Go with what you prefer, but do it often, and very soon you’ll get the feel for what’s “normal” with the people you speak to or listen to.

Great progress to complete in 2 months. Are you using your Welsh in the real world yet?


Hi Iestyn, thanks for the reply, I am enjoying your lessons very much. As for using my Welsh in the real world, I say sentences to myself in my head and out loud, and am looking to start conversing with other Welsh speakers/learners on Skype in the very near future! All the best.


That sounds like exactly what you need to be doing!

Do you know about the Welsh Speaking Practice channel? It’s a Slack space that we’ve set up to allow people to “meet” each other online to practise their Welsh. It;s like a forum, but with voice capability (ie you can voice-talk / video-call to each other not just text). A bit like Skype, I suppose, but with the advantage that you can go on there and ask for a conversation, and likely get one!

If you’re interested, email with WSP in the subject line, and we’ll send you an invitation.

I get so excited at the thought of people genuinely speaking Welsh after only 2 months - you have inspired me all over again. Diolch!


I’ve just heard about WSP today, so I’ll join shortly. I’ll look forward to it. Keep up the great work with this site and the Welsh courses - you and Aran are a true blessing to the language learning community!

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You now have a new subscriber to SSI :slight_smile: I’m happy to help support this place. I’m looking forward to starting Level 2 Welsh asap.


Awesome - diolch o galon i ti Neil! :star: :star2:

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