How many reps/sentences are in a typical SSI lesson?

I was wondering, does anyone know roughly how many sentences we are drilled on in a typical 30 minute SSI lesson (or challenge, as they’re known in the newer courses)? My question applies to both the old and new courses btw.

Another term for this is ‘reps’, almost like doing a workout at the gym, except with language learning the reps are with your brain and your mouth. As I’ve read Aran’s book ‘High Intensity Language Training’, I was curious roughly how many ‘reps’ there are in each lesson. I’ve never actually counted because I’m so busy concentrating on saying the answer before it’s given.


I knew my stats will come handy one day so here we go:

Course 1 - 3995
Course 2 - 3411
Course 3 - 3314
Vocab lessons (10 lessons) - 1504

Level 1 - 3043
Level 2 to challenge 15 - 1802

Further I didn’t go as I don’t do my statistics anymore but I presume it’s roughly about that numbers of old material too.

So if in old material there are alltogether 12,224 of them in Levels has to be approximately the same amount of reps and drills. What comes to the number of approx 20,000 +/- of them though.

One lesson average has about 130 reps and new thingys alltogether - some can have only 92 of them and some have up to 195 of them it depends.

So now you know (almost) exactly how many of drills you have to go through!



Thanks for this post. Wow, I didn’t realise there were as many reps as that in the lessons and courses! No wonder we end up knowing the material VERY thoroughly after it all.


@tatjana You never cease to amaze me!


Yes, agreed.

Oh, you know I’ve done that statistics when I started level 1 and just couldn’t go through properly and statistics included every single new thing and every single repetition in the lesson. I didn’t “record” them manually but set excell to do this for me so this should be prety accurate. Now I’m happy this can be of any further use of some kind. It might be I’ll finish that statistics one day just for the fun of it. :slight_smile: