My challenges

Da iawn, Tatjana :star: :star2:

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Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Wel, dwi’n dweud mae’n (“rhywsut”) yn da ond dim iawn …Mae dal yn ffordd bell i fynd eto . …

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Challenge number 8

Yes, I will call this a challenge because I really (somehow) tried to stick with Cymraeg as much as I could.

I had an approximately 58 minutes long Skype conversation with @brigitte just some minutes ago and I have to say that we spoke much more Cymraeg then in any conversation before. It was quite even amount of Cymraeg and Saesneg in it however there was much of "amm"s and typing into the google translate to find the words on my end though, and quite some silence provided by me too. You know, those awkward moments when you desperately wish to tell something but you just can’t remember or you don’t know how.

My brains need some rest right now and I have to force myself not to “beat” myself again due to disappointment upon myself about how I could understand a bit less then I was expecting I can, but it was (at least I think and hope) well spent almost an hour of time.

Diolch yn fawr iawn @brigitte and thank you for your patince as I was really slow and awkward speaking partner.

So here we go. It was challenging but we both agreed that next week we’ll try to speak yn Cymraeg even more.


Diolch i ti hefyd, Tatjana. Dw i’n edrych ymlaen at siarad gyda ti wythnos nesa.


Gwych! Da iawn Tatjana, a diolch o galon, Brigitte! :sunny: :star: :star2:

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Do you remember this a post or two ago? It was on 15th August. Then @aran came with his magic wand and it all started rolling even faster happier and it resulted to this:

In the mean time there were quite some chats not only with @brigitte but also with @Deborah-SSi, @margaretnock and @stella. It was fun, it was pleasant and most of all there was a lot of Cymraeg. Thank you all. I’m developing, I’m progressing … Dwi’n gwella.

However, before magical talk with Aran it was the time for one of my “silly” challenges and promisses again. We were somehow at the beginning of Rugby World Cup and it just happened that Cymru and England had to play each other in the pool. It was tie game and the victory was not assured by neither team until the end. In my passion there came …

Challenge number 9

In all that passion and wish for Cymru to win I’ve “exclamed” on twitter

wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA #ENGvWAL 25-28 Now go for more! #RWC2015 Come on my boys! If you win I'll learn to sing your antheme!

— Tatjana Prelog (@KnightGhost) September 26, 2015

Since I was (still) a learning nerd waiting for my surprise when I end all the lessons of Course 3 I actually didn’t know how I’d make this happen but I was determined to fulfill my promisse na matter how and so, ladies and gentlemens here’s my promise fulfilled. Listening to @CatrinLliarJones singing on Soundcloud right now I feel a bit ashamed of my singing but … eh, what a heck … let’s do this …

I hope you don’t feel it like disgrace to your nation and antheme. I didn’t properly sing already for more then 30 years, my voice is cracked, I can’t sing out loud (just am not used to) and besides that, I actually had to fight with three challenges: learning the lirycs, singing and fighting with not to start crying in the middle of the song. This is the main reason I don’t sing anymore. When I sing I always start to cry in the middle and never finish the song. Well in this case I was obviously so busy with learning lyrics that I didn’t have the time to cry at all. It was all finished in this day (except for learning the melody).

I know I might to better. My “wlad” and “gwlad” is prety much with “v” too Slavic, some words might not be sung totally correct and I could maybe post this some other time but with more recordings I found out that every one additional I make is worse so have stopped at this very point and say “OK, what it is, it is.”

I hope I did at least a bit well but now I know I’ll sing along with our boys when another match comes, no matter where I’d watch it, instead of only murmuring the melody …

So, if it’s even a bit enjoyable - enjoy!

Diolch am gwrando.


Wow, Tatjana! That’s wonderful:)
(And ah, how beautiful Cymraeg is)


Diolch @stella. I did my best in given situation but my voice obviously doesn’t have many hights and lows to totally cope with this. Well, Cymraeg could also probably be better but to say honestly I’m quite satisfied with the result though.

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That was great, Tatjana! I am impressed by the way you are always so determined to keep your promises to yourself. It would be easy to say, “never mind, that’s too hard” but you never quit! Thanks for sharing your song and your journey with us.

(It’s one of the great sorrows of my life that I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. I really wish I could sing :frowning: )


Very impressed Tatjana.

Thank you :smiley:


Oh, thank you all.

And @AnnaC you surely can sing, I’m sure.

No, I really can’t…totally off-key and can’t carry a tune. But it doesn’t stop me from singing along with “Harbwr Diogel” when I’m in the car by myself :slight_smile:

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You see that you can sing! It doesn’t matter is it for yourself or when some more people are with you. :smile:

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OK. Let’s have some new challenge here. I thought of recording a speach of what I had in mind but then again I’ve changed my mind and decided I’d rather go with some writing again. Yes, my dear members of this magnificent forum and community, here’s the new challenge in front of me presented to you

Challenge number 10

After dismissing the thought of recording speach I’ve set myself to the task that my Blog yng Nghymraeg just finally has to become of some use and that single article (or whatever it was) has to get some company of other things to read so I’ve set a special challenge infront of me which is about to be the whole week event. The Challenge is called Meddyliau wythnos and the aim is to write some thoughts on particular day or happening on that day which got my attention of pondering my thoughts.

The writing is from scratch, what means I have to think and write totally in Cymraeg not having any script infront of me at all. You know that moment when you write the letter to your friend or you’re writing a diary in your native tongue - that is the challenge - thoughts in Cymraeg put on paper (nah, not paper, but PC or tablet screen though).

So, I’ve written down things first in Cymraeg from my head but what I did though was searching for the words along with writing so I could put them into the context immediately. The writings (for a change) I aim to be short (HAHA! will I manage to maintain this until the end???) and mostly (ummm, obviously not entirely) in the range of what I already can think of and write down.

Well, so, here it is

Meddyliau wythnos. - Dydd 1 - Dydd Llun, Tachwedd 23, 2015

Meddyliau wythnos. - Dydd 1

Oh, and if is this of someone’s interest - the picture is also my digital creation made with FlamePainter graphic software and saved in .png format.

As always corrrections/suggestions/critics highly appriciated and humbly accepted. :slight_smile:



Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 2 - Dydd Mawrth, Tachwedd 24, 2015

Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 2

If I pondered my thoughts about just general happenings of this world yesterday (it might be “notice” was even a bit too short), today we’re going to think about more beautiful things … like music for example. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy this one.

The blog contains the link to the music titled Journey which part of it you’ve already heard in the movie which I’ve created for @AnnaC to give her a bit of hope but on the link in the blog the whole, finished piece of music is presented.

Thanks for reading (and maybe listening).

P.S. Have a bit edited this post to present what comes with particular blog entry.


Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 3 - Dydd Mercher, Tachwedd 25, 2015

Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 3

Thoughts about the mornigs at winter when there’s darkness all around and cold and the hour is too early to go to work but you just have to go …

The picture in the blog was shot by me one morning a some time ago when I’ve stood there waiting for the bus and just didn’t quite know what to do …

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Ugh, mae’n edrych yn oer iawn!


Mae hi’n yn oer iawn … :slight_smile:

Let’s continue our journey through my pondering my thoughts about whatever comes to my mind. I hope the entries in my blog are at least a bit interesting and most of all written at least a bit right. Well, I have a feeling that with each and every entry I’m doing worse but, well, at least I’m trying to do something challenging.

And if we’re at trying … here it comes something about it …

Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 4 - Dydd Lau, Tachwedd 26, 2015

Meddyliau wythnos - Dydd 4

In this entry I’m beginning with playing a word game with words “trio” (to try) and “crio” (to cry) and then I’m saying some more about history how all crying when singing actually happened. In entry there’s a video of me singing beautiful Slovene song “Lipa” (Linden tree) which I didn’t finish but sang only one verse of the song. I probably started to cry so never finished singing that song (well I at least think it was so). :slight_smile:

Hope you’ll at least a bit enjoy and won’t cry upon my singing and reading what’s written as it’s probably most of the things written down wrong though. :slight_smile:


Hi Tatjana,
well, I enjoyed listening to the song and reading your blog. And I like the tune of the song, too.
I think, there are songs about the Linden Tree in many European countries.