Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

And another one:

Everyone was out last night so I also watched the very funny Mewn Twll after Pobl y Cwm and I heard the lovely little word Cwmws - Google translate says this is exactly which fits with the dialogue, but GPC and UWTSD don’t recognise it.

So is this correct and would exactly on it’s own as a reply to a question be “cwmws” or “yn gwmws” or “'n gwmws”?

“Cwmws” is how it’s pronounced when speaking (at least in the south) but the standard written form is “cymwys”.
Usually used in the south when speaking to mean “exactly” in the same way that the more standard “yn union” is.

THere are other meanings for cymwys a common one being “suitable” .

(Lots more info on GPC)


Great - should have thought about the spelling. So if someone said something to me and I just wanted to reply exactly. should I say cwmws or yn gwmws.

“yn gwmws” would be the natural reply in that context. (in the same way as “yn union” could be used also).


Thanks - “exactly” what I wanted to know,

yn gwmws be dw’i moyn gwybod - is this construction cywir neu anghywir.


I think I asked you to sign our petition without realising you hadn’t really ‘found’ S4C!
this is a forum thread which may help
However, I am not sure how relevant it is for folk outside Europe.
@Sionned Can you help at all?

Well done for fixing this yourself! Yes, ‘paid a rhaffu nhw’ is short-hand for ‘paid a rhaffu celwyddau’… :slight_smile:

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Thanks Aran,

Think I turned the post into a bit of a Soliloquy.

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This has been replied to but another good place to look is Gweiadur:


cymwys:cwmws adjective 1 addas, priodol, yn gweddu i’r hyn sydd ei angen appropriate, suitable
2 union, syth, diwyro direct

with 2 example phrases:

yn gam neu’n gymwys y naill ffordd neu’r llall rightly or wrongly
yn gymwys (yn gwmws ar lafar) yn union exactly, precisely

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Not much. I have, in the past, found various web-based services that allow people to view restricted British (and Welsh) programming, usually by fooling the programming provider into thinking that you are in the area. Some of them are free, some require a fee, many are a little dodgy to use, not entirely legal, or just don’t work that well. I would love to watch S4C more (and have, of course, signed the petition) but don’t currently have a reliable way to watch. You might do a search for proxy services and see what you find.

CAVEAT: SSiW does not want to be seen as promoting illegal access to programming, which is why the petition is such a good idea!

No. :relaxed:

That’s concise - I didn’t realise that that Welsh has a form of vowel mutation called affection. Courtesy of Wikipedia - gair and iadur giving geiriadur. I think I knew that sort of thing was going on, but didn’t realise it had a name and was a mutation. Does it matter - probably not.

Yes - many languages have it… man vs men is an example in English - a (since disappeared) ending -i changed the a to e.

Definitely not. Very little matters. :relaxed:

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@FrankMorys, and for anyone who doesn’t already know, there is a legal way for those outside the UK to watch some S4C programs:

S4C International

Of course, it’s a limited selection of programming, but it’s still worthwhile.


@lynne_freudigmann. Did you know about this? I can’t remember if we talked about this.

Yes, there was talked about this on this forum. It’s just I don’t know exactly in which topic right now and, to be fair, I’m not in the mood (how strange for me though) to search for it. Maybe later. But since @AnnaC has provided the link to the S4C International, I believe there’s not much to be told though.

Enjoy watching legally.

haha yeah, I ended up doing another search for it after I asked. Initially I actually didn’t know if the show was still running because the only ones i’ve seen were probably episodes from the late 70’s or 80’, so I didn’t think to check iplayer or anything like that. I wanted to watch it on my phone at the time, but I couldn’t watch it outside the UK. More reason to have signed the petition I guess. In the meantime, I’m grateful for the S4C International link.


Diolch! Diolch! Diolch yn fawr!
I know I should have been able to call the name of this site to mind and I think I posted it in another thread, but I couldn’t find it, was in a hurry and threw the ball to @Sionned as the first US resident to come to mind!! Up you came, Anna, with the answer and I, and, I am sure Frank, are very grateful.
checking, I find we have threads for watching in US, S4C International (mainly about adblocks losing the subtitles) as well as good programmes to watch. I suspect life would be easier if these were concatenated somewhat, but I’m not sure I’m the one to do it, not being all that clued up on the mechanics, and I don’t even know the best person to ask. @aran, as boss man, can you maybe help?
Woops! Sorry! Found it in ‘Really useful ‘How to’ stuff and other great posts’ pegged at the top when in the main Forum. @seren put in a list of useful threads!


@seren has put up a very useful list in that thread @henddraig mentions and if I see something what could be of any great value and is not mentioned in it yet, I’m constantly updating it with such things so the list itself as the main list at the beginning of the thread are more or less fresh all the time however if I missed something and you think it should be in any of those two lists, let me know.

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It is a shame we are not allowed to share the links to watch BBC i player abroad, which is where you can catch up on the latest s4c programmes etc. I guess it’s easy enough to Google BBC i player abroad and work it out for yourself if you wanted to do that. It is easy to do though.