Announcing: our new '6 Month Welsh Speaker' course

Good man - I’m excited to see the results you get… :slight_smile:


I was very happy to see the announcement for this new course show up in my notifications this morning!

I’m almost ready to sign up, but I have a scheduling question: At what time is “Thursday evening” for the group meet up? I live on the west coast of the United States (Pacific Time, so 8 hours behind the UK), so I want to find out if it will even be possible for me to carve out the time from my work schedule before I commit.

I do hope I’ll be able to join in. I’ve been pretty much an independent individual learner for the past five months since opportunities to interact with Welsh speakers are few and far between in the area that I live.


Hi Aran,l did level 1 and 2 about 2 years ago but not really done any lessons for about a year,would you recommend the 6 month course ?


We’re aiming at 6pm Wales time and 7pm Wales time as the kick-off times for this at first - so that’ll be 10/11am for you, and not very convenient at first…

But two points of interest - one, we’ll be publishing the recordings of the sessions for all learners on the course, and two, we hope in due course to add ‘local time’ evening sessions for the US and Australia - if we get the necessary take-up, of course… :slight_smile:


Mmm, tricky call. The core aim with the 6mws stuff is to get people through Levels 1 and 2 - so you’d be doing revision on that side of things. But on the other hand, the usage work that we kick you through might well be the key you need to kick on.

Maybe the best thing would be to give it a shot, and if by the end it hasn’t made a valuable difference for you, let us know - we’re absolutely genuine and cheerful about the money back guarantee, because it actually makes us feel good… :slight_smile:


Ok I’ll give it ago, do you know if the app wil be updated to work on iOS 11

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Thank you for the quick response. It was helpful. I have some flexibility in my work schedule for the next three months at least, so I’ll take a serious look at my schedule and make a decision this weekend. If nothing else, I’ll have access to the recordings, as you said, but I would prefer to have some live interaction and practice too.


That sounds as though you must be on the old app - if you delete, search for SaySomethinginWelsh in the app store, you should get the new one and be okay… :slight_smile:

Yup, it’s a really valuable difference - the whole approach will lead you to more and more live stuff apart from the group sessions… but it might well be better for you to keep an eye on developments and see when/if we manage to get US time stuff happening… :slight_smile:

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All sorted, thanks Aran :+1:t4:

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May i ask, I think you said at some stage that those of us already subscibing and creeping or rushing through the Challenges, would not be effected by the new set up unless we want to sign up for acceleration! Is that still true. Also, will new people be able to take the same route as us, or will it be 6 month or intensive and no more ‘in our own time’? For those in different time zones or shift work, tne current way may be all they can manage.

Thanks Aran. I feel I may need to adjust my current goal. Which is understand the general gist of a rugby match on S4C by February 2019.

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I think we can take you beyond that… :wink: [Although to be fair, I also think that the general gist of any rugby match involving Wales only rarely goes beyond ‘Oh my God! Oh, damn it. Oh my God! Oh, damn it’ repeated ad nauseam… ;-)]

Er… yes, if you don’t sign up for the 6 Month Welsh Speaker course, you won’t be on the 6 Month Welsh Speaker course. And no, we won’t be forcing everyone to sign up for the 6 Month Welsh Speaker course.


I’ve taken the plunge and signed up. I might not be able to make the live chats as they coincide with my sons bedtime but I’ll try and make it work!


Great to have you aboard! As I’ve just said to an email enquiry, don’t worry too much about the live chats - they’re not mission critical, and we’ll be providing recordings (I hope!) and in the fairly near future we’ll try to make them available on more days and at more times… :slight_smile:

Sounds fantastic, if only I was still an ‘early intermediate’, I don’t really mean that! But two years ago I’ll wager i’d have leapt at it.
I watched the video, but the link at the end takes you to a non-existent page, is it not live yet @aran ?

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How much does it cost to join this course Aran?

Eek, that doesn’t sound good - oh, I see - bloody hell - it’s wrapped the tail of the /6mws onto the next line, stupid thing… would I be right in presuming you tried going to /6mw?!

It’s £50 this month - we’re planning on going up to £100 over the next few months, or possibly more depending on how the price makes it possible to add more support to the course…

But please don’t sign up without watching the video, so that you have a genuinely clear idea of what’s involved… :slight_smile:

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Yes, I am a bit old school and still type urls in manually. was what i typed


The issue appears to be the word forum in the url you typed @Y_Ddraig_Las. It works if you change that to www.