Anyone want to discuss "Un Bore Mercher" (S4C)? - warning - might contain spoilers

BTW, what was Terry talking about when he said Bethan had been stealing? Did we see that? What did she steal?

Was it drugs? Or something he found with her drugs?

I was wondering the same thingā€¦

I get the feeling Iā€™m going to have to go back and rewatch some of the episodes to see if I can pick up a few more clues.

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It occurred to me that he might have been referring to some of the fancy kitchen equipment that he was looking at. She shut him up with a withering ā€œoh, you canā€™t even boil an eggā€. Iā€™d assumed heā€™d been (sort of ) accusing her of over-spending on that stuff. The idea of her having stolen it hadnā€™t occurred to me, but I wonder if it was that he meant. Iā€™d have thought that between them they earned enough to fund their evidently fairly comfortable lifestyle, so she wouldnā€™t have been stealing out of necessity - just some kind of ā€œaberrationā€.

Me too! Sometimes Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m confused because I missed something, or because Iā€™m meant to be confused! :confused:

I really think weā€™re meant to be confused!


Some people are kleptomaniacs (horrid term) Quite well off folk take things and truly canā€™t help it.p

Yes, I think Iā€™ve heard of that happening. A bit like ladies of a certain age stealing babies. (More dramatic than shoplifting of course, but they mean no harm, and itā€™s probably part of an illness).

Same here too. We now know quite a lot more, although not the full story. Some of the earlier episodes might make a bit more sense from what we do now know.

I havenā€™t yet looked at the schedules but will the final episode be on Sunday as would be expected or does Nadolig change things?

Iā€™m torn beteeen wanting to know how it ends and wanting it to go on much longer.

They might have a 2nd series and we only find out what happens to Evan at the end of thatā€¦

ā€¦or at the end of the 3rd series.

According to my listings itā€™s on tomorrow as usual. i think the last episode in tnis series. Not sure if more to come in future.

Parry, I think, is definitely bent ā€“ although I canā€™t now quite think of what my evidence for that was, other than (a) him obviously warning Terry off when their paths crossed at Alpayā€™s, and (b) him saying to Tom early on that he had ā€˜put Evan in touch with some criminalsā€™. At the time it sounded like it could be just that Evan wanted to get into more criminal defence work, but I think that in retrospect thereā€™s clearly more to it than that.

Tom ā€“ also at least somewhat dodgy. I think he knew what he was looking for when he went to find the Pedersen documents, and he excused his shredding of them to the rest of the firm as just being an old client of his.

DI Williams ā€“ differently dodgy. I think my earlier expectation that her professionalism would lead her to take Faithā€™s part, albeit reluctantly, has now clearly been disproven, but I donā€™t think sheā€™s in with the same lot as Parry. I half think sheā€™s just flawed and lying to protect herself, but I do suspect thereā€™s a bit more to it than that: on top of her old enmity with Faith, thereā€™s the whole question of DS Morgan, and who the bent copper was that Alpay was going to name.

I donā€™t know whoā€™s bankrolling Arthur. Iā€™m still open to the possibility that it could be Evanā€¦

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A bit more information about tomorrowā€™s episode (warning - possible spoilers). It does say that it is the last of the series.

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I was assuming that Blondie with her bag of Columbian was funding Arthur, as she rang Faith on the phone that Arthur had been given (having been shouted at down it earlier on when Faith assumed it was someone after drugs). Having been halfway through a fairly lucrative deal with Evan when he vanished, she might assume that he would try to contact Faith at some point, and someone innocuous and biddable like Arthur could keep an eye on things without raising suspicions. But that doesnā€™t solve the mystery of who rang her (on the same phone) and didnā€™t speak. After all, if Mrs Reardon gave Arthur that phone and the money, who else would have the number and why?

Me too! Iā€™ve really enjoyed it. Hoping that if thereā€™s not more to come of this particular drama, that there will be many more of itā€™s type. What with this, and Bang, I feel quite spoilt![quote=ā€œmikeellwood, post:79, topic:10116ā€]
Great joy here at seeing Terry arrest her!

Ooooooh yesssssssss! :blush:

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Good point re the phone calls!

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Is Bang good then? I have not tried it.

Itā€™s very good but there is a lot of Wenglish which might not be everyoneā€™s disgled (sorry - paned!), but I really enjoyed it. I think it quite accurately reflects how someone who speaks Welsh with their family, and some work colleagues, yet use English with others and have to switch quickly from one to the other. Hyblyg iawn!

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Tried Bang for two weeks. Didnā€™t get on with it. Thought Un Bore Mercher was great. Might have to watch again to get the jist.

Slightly worrying when the Swansea police car with siren and blue light wasnā€™t actually on the tv, but passing our house :frowning:


A bit confused by the last episode! Iā€™ll give you all longer to watch it before going into details!

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Unfortunately typical of S4C dramas. The plot wanders aimlessly with lots of red herrings and then the conclusion still leaves questions unanswered.