Bourton-on-Dunsmore (Rugby) meetups

Coventry and Rugby people - shall we fix some dates for the next few Saturday meets? We’re still meeting at the Wyevale Garden Centre of course, 10.30 ish. Normally we meet on the third Saturday of the month. That means next month, Easter Saturday (20th). That’s ok with me but what about other people? Or we can move it to a different week or just postpone.

Then it will be May 18; June 15 (I’m away but that needn’t matter if others are free); July 13; August 17


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I’ll be there tomorrow! Want a lift, @andyjone?

yes please @mintonman ! Anyone else coming?

Is this Meetup still going?

@davee52uk Yes it is still going - usually the 3rd Saturday of the month, 10.30 until 12-ish at Dobbies Garden Centre, Straight Mile, Bourton-on-Dunsmore. We usually get 4 or 5 people, sometimes one or two more. In practice we often start slightly after 10.30, depending on how long the coffee and breakfast queue is!

It’s under ‘Rugby’ in the list at the end of the newsletter … in case you didn’t see it there :slight_smile:

@davee52uk Next meeting is December 14th, that’s the second Saturday not the 3rd. We felt that the 21st was a bit close to Christmas for most people.

Thank you. I will try to come and see what you do.In classic Say Something speak - I’ve been learning for about a month. Although I did Welsh in school and was quite good at it, that was 50 years ago and the Welsh I learnt was not the commonly spoken version.

S’mae pawb!

As this is of course cancelled, a few of us who go to it (or who sometimes go to it) will be meeting on Zoom at 10:30 this Saturday instead. All people within shouting distance of Coventry (and our friends) are very welcome. Bring your own panad … :slightly_smiling_face: :coffee:

To join us in the ‘stafell gyfarfod’, use this link - :computer::iphone:

If you haven’t used Zoom before (or much), there are some basic instructions here. I will open the room at 10:15, so please feel free to arrive early if you want to check you have got the hang of it - and/or to call me on 0772 519 3776 if you can’t figure it out.

NB: As we might well be using “breakout rooms” to split into smaller groups for part of our meeting, it would be really helpful if anyone who is coming could arrive at least roughly on time (and no, you can’t blame the traffic …) :point_right::clock1030::point_left:

(@Deborah-SSi, @CatrinLliarJones, are these kinds of arrangements going in the mailouts/main list?)