Christmas Carols and Songs yn Gymraeg šŸŽ„

I happen to agree with this wholeheartedly. And I have the lyrics (with translation) provided by his daughter (who is married to my nephew!) if anyone is interested.

This version, by Delwyn himself, is a bit easier (for me) to understand the lyrics:
[apparently the original version I had has disappeared, but hereā€™s another, just nothing to watch]:


Iā€™ve just found a new to me artist who does Christmas songs. Just wish I could figure links. Anyway itā€™s Mynediad am ddim.

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If the lyrics (plus translation) offer is still open, yes please @Sionned! A diolch yn fawr :slight_smile:

Letā€™s see if this works:

Un Seren (with translation).pdf (106.6 KB)

If you canā€™t get that, let me know and Iā€™ll see if I can upload an image of it.

Worked brilliantly - thank you so much :slight_smile:

Keep an eye on this thread between now and Christmas for Welsh words to more Christmas Carols.

Does anyone have a name of a good Spotify playlist of Welsh language Christmas songs? I find it hard to navigate Welsh language music because I donā€™t have much vocabulary for musical genres and often the Welsh language music is on a bilingual playlist and I have no idea what to search for (in English or Welsh!) Thanks!

Hereā€™s one from Yws Gwynedd. Though it does contain some English language songs, there are plenty of really great Welsh onesā€¦

Otherwise if you just type Dolig or Nadolig in to search on Spotify, there are lots of choices there.


How about this one Theresaā€¦

Iā€™ll try and get hold of the lyrics for you.

By the way, the song comes from this CD which includes the lyrics for every song.

Diolch yn fawr that is fab :blush:

No translation unfortunately, but Iā€™ve scanned the words in Welsh for some well-known English carols and for a couple of Welsh carols from the programme for the Welsh carol service in Coleg Yr Iesu/Jesus College in Oxford organised by Cymdeithas Dafydd ap Gwilym: Carolau - Capel Coleg Yr Iesu (ed).pdf (1.3 MB)
and, as I missed out scanning some of the words the first time :frowning: : Wele Cawsam y Meseia.pdf (159.8 KB)

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You are very welcome. I couldnā€™t find the lyrics online, so I have attempted to create a transcript, though I donā€™t understand what theyā€™re saying about the monkey and the stuffing?!

Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

Llawenydd i chi
A phawb yn y tÅ·
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

Maā€™n bolia niā€™n llawn o dwrci
A thatws a pys a grefi
A stwffin [ da-da-da] mwnci
Wel dyma chi wledd

Llawenydd i chi
A phawb yn y tÅ·
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

Fe hoffwn gael pwdin Dolig
Fe hoffwn gael pwdin Dolig
Fe hoffwn gael pwdin Dolig
A phlat o fins peis

Llawenydd i chi
A phawb yn y tÅ·
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

Da ni ddim am symud oā€™ma
Da ni ddim am symud oā€™ma
Da ni ddim am symud oā€™ma
Nes gawn ni fins peis

Llawenydd i chi
A phawb yn y tÅ·
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

Wel dyma chi folia mawrion
Wel dyma chi folia mawrion
Yn llawn oā€™r holl ddanteithion
Ar ddiwedd y wledd

Llawenydd i chi
A phawb yn y tÅ·
Dymunwn Nadolig llawen
I bawb yn y byd

One of my favourites - so beautiful!

Hereā€™s a lovely treat for you from the very talented harpist who played at the SSiW 10th birthday party in The Galeri, Caernarfon earlier this yearā€¦

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Thereā€™s an Al Lewis song I donā€™t have? This wonā€™t do at all, I must remedy this problemā€¦

Iā€™ve just heard Bryn Terfel on Radio3 singing ā€œTawel Nosā€. Pure magic: that voice and that language!

Thank you for reviving this thread!

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Conductor, composer and arranger of music Gilmor Griffiths, from Ponciau near Wrexham, was the head of the Music Department of Ysgol Glan Clwyd, Llanelwy for 26 years.

In 1981 a Christmas LP was released called ā€œNos Nadolig Ywā€. The LP contained traditional carols as well as songs written and composed by Gilmor. The songs were sung by the choirs of Llanelwy school and recorded at Llanelwy Cathedral. The LP soon became one of Walesā€™ best-loved Christmas albums and is still popular today.

The album contains an enchanting collection of haunting carols as well as more upbeat songs and it is the perfect accompaniment for an evening by the light of the Christmas tree.

You can buy it on CD here: Nos Nadolig Yw ā€“ Sain

or stream it here: ā€ŽNos Nadolig Yw - Album by Ysgol Glan Clwyd - Apple Music

and here: Nos Nadolig Yw - Album by Ysgol Glan Clwyd | Spotify

Nos Nadolig Yw ā€“ Sain

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Did you know that one of the most famous Christmas carols, Deck the Halls, originated from a Welsh dancing song?

The melody dates back to the 16th Century and it is believed to have been part of the Welsh winter carol called ā€œNos Galanā€ (which means New Yearā€™s Eve).

The English lyrics were written by a Scottish musician called Thomas Oliphant in 1862.


101 o Garolau a Chaneuon Nadolig is the best collection of Welsh carols and Christmas songs ever released!

This album is a treasury of over 40 years of recordings from contemporary tracks to traditional Plygain Carols.

This collection includes the voices of Aled Jones, the Llanelli Male Voice Choir, Elin Flur, Bryn Terfel and many more and will keep you going throughout the Christmas season. ā€˜101 o Garolauā€™ is available on CD and the usual streaming sites: