Cymanfa Codi'r To for St David's Day in Coventry

Hi all, greetings from Coventry; we’re holding a “Cymanfa Codi’r To” (Welsh singalong bash) in Coventry on St David’s Day! It will be led by the famous Côr Cymraeg Coventry (Coventry’s only Welsh choir) but everyone is invited to join in with songs (not necessarily in Welsh but relevant to Welsh culture), also we welcome anyone who would like to join in, sing along, bring instruments, play along, etc. Doesn’t matter if your Welsh isn’t great (or your singing), you will get more confident with the great selection of beers and ciders available at Coventry’s oldest pub! Or just come to enjoy the hwyl! Would be wonderful to see a few SSIW’ers especially any that we don’t often see. We’ll be providing lyrics and chord sheets.