Dysgwr y Flwyddyn - Learner of the Year - congratulations to our finalists!

I won’t be able to listen to Rhedeg i Paris again without hearing Rhondda i Paris in my head.

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Just heard @Nicky on the radio on the way home - sounding great! :star:

(And it was a surprise to hear @Novem in the middle - also sounding amazing!) :slight_smile:


Da iawn Nicky and @novem too! I’m really enjoying following all the news and clips so keep them coming! I wish I could be there for the Eisteddfodd and the DyF competition, but I’ll have to settle for cheering for you from across the pond. Pob lwc!!!


I’m not sure I quite understood what this competition is and how it works.

But I’m sure sending congrats and “in bocca al lupo” (how we say here to mean good luck for exams and such) to @Nicky

By the way the video with the TV show was very funny and I have to tell I was amazed I was able to recognize quite a few words here and there (at least compared to the short time I’ve been learning Welsh) !!! :grin:


Well, I could point you to explore this forum as there are quite some topics about this, but the summary and a bit of feelings and how she did it (once not so long ago) is very well written by our famous writer @elizabeth_jane. I recommend to read this blog entry about the Dysgwyr y flwyddyn (written in English so don’t worry you wouldn’t understand) and you’ll get the gist of what it is (I was equally confused when I’ve heard about this competition for the first time).

Here’s the entry: :

Happy reading.

Tatjana :slight_smile:


Watcha @gisella-albertini- there’s more about the competiton from the 2017 finalists here: https://parallel.cymru/dysgwyr-y-flwyddyn-2017/

It’s great- it gives a lot of learners something to aim for and really highlights how the language has changed many peopls lives.


Looking forward to tomorrow and would like to wish good luck to everyone in the final. What a fantastic achievement already, see you all tomorrow. One question bach, is there a dress code for the awards dinner?

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This is what it says in the e-mail:

Bydd y seremoni yn un ffurfiol felly gwisgwch yn briodol os gwelwch yn dda!

I assume that means wear something formal.

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Diolch Hishiv. Should have asked last week haha long way from home.
Was hoping for something lighter as going straight to clwb ifor bach afterwards.

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We’ll be thinking about you up here in Gog land!!!


Hi mate!

I wouldn’t worry too much, we’re in the middle of a heatwave, in the middle of the Eisteddfod - they know there isn’t going to be a lot of clean clothes flying about most people lodgings and all that and most people will have packed light.



Thanks to all for your thanks and best wishes for tomorrow.

Will give it a shot. For those coming tomorrow, see you there!


,or perhaps wedding stuff :rofl:

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Well, we have had our final interviews and did the session in the Pierhead Building.

The interview went as well as it could. Unfortunately about 30 seconds into my first answer in the main interview, one of the studio lights stopped working. The studio guys ran in and stopped everything, and it took about 5 minutes to fix - the interview then continued on a different question. So I had to play a bit of a catch up for the rest of the interview trying to raise the points I was going to raise during my first response.

Annoying, but cannot be helped.

Thanks to those who came to the session in the Pierhead! It was great to finally put faces to a lot of names!

Those who are coming, I will see you in a couple of hours!


Do you know if it will be live on S4c tonight?

It won’t be live tonight @amandalaing - it will be edited over the next couple of days and then broadcast on Sunday morning on the Dal Ati show. I imagine that social media will be active after the result though…

I was wondering the same thing, but was planning to keep the forum, WSP and facebook open anyway!

PS @neilrowlands - heard you talking about parallel.cymru on Radio Cymru as I was driving home tonight. Excellent job! :smiley:


For social media outcasts like me, I’d love to hear the result as soon as anyone can post it here. Diolch :smile:

According to Cymru Fyw, Matt Spry won…

Many thanks, Bronwen. :smile:
Congratulations to him and congratulations to Nicky, too, who IMO was a most impressive finalist. :clap: