Ges ti vs Nes ti

Why is, Did you get enough time to do it: “Ges ti ddigon o amser i neud o?”
but, Did you watch that film: “Nes ti…”
So, it must be not learning just how to say, “did you,” but learning what word/action comes after the “did you?” that makes the difference between Ges ti and Nes ti?
Thank you for any clarifcation. I don’t seem to be thinking straight on anything this week! :crazy_face:

Ges ti? translates, literally, as Got you? so your example is Got you enough time to do it? but as we don’t say that in English, to make it sound natural, we translate it as Did you get…?

Nes ti…? translates directly as Did you…? so needs another verb as in Nes ti wylio’r ffilm 'na?


Thanks! I’ll make every good effort to keep that in mind although my mind has been like a sieve lately!

It helps me to remember the meaning of the different verbs. GES ti is a past tense form of the verb CAEL (to have, to get) whereas (W)NES ti is a past tense form of the verb GWNEUD (to do, to make).


Thank you for this, it’s very helpful!

I have been trying to work out Nes i for ages now you’ve said it wnes i makes more sense. Diolch

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