How long?

Shwmae pawb / Hello everyone,

yn ein grwp ni yng Nghaerwynt cawson ni aelod newydd yr wthnos diwethaf :slight_smile:
Yn ystod y cyflwyniadau, cafodd y cwestiwn “How long have you been living here?” ei ofyn.
Roedden ni ddim yn siwr, beth yw’r wahaniaeth rhwng “pa mor hir” a “faint o amser”. Oes gwahanieath rhwng y ddau?

We had a new member join our group last week in Winchester :slight_smile:
During the introductions, the question “How long have you been living here?” came up.
We weren’t sure what the difference is between “pa mor hir” a “faint o amser”. Is there a difference between the two?


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Not really - kind of like ‘How long have you spent here?’ and ‘How much time have you spent here?’ - the underlying meaning is the same… :slight_smile:

Not to confuse you but to add to your arsenal, you can say “ers pryd…” (since when) which I first came across on bootcamp from the local Cardis :smile:

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Or, ‘ers faint?’


Thank you for all your replies!
Diolch am bawb am eich atebion chi!