How to sign in on app

How do you sign into say something in Welsh on the app?
I can’t see the settings tab.

Which app are you using? On the iOS app, there is a gear in the bottom right corner for settings.

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I’m using the android app.

Pinging @jamesmahoney :slight_smile:

You want those three dots in the top right. It brings up the menu, and from there choose settings

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the three dots are not on my version. I’ve got the circular arrows but no three dots.

You most likely have a device that has a physical menu key, which you need to use. When you press it the menu should appear. This Samsung Galaxy Y, for example, has a button on the bottom left that looks like a square with two horizontal lines on it

Your menu button could well look different, or be in a different place.

What phone are you using?

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Its a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini.

what happens when you press the menu button?

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I’ve found the menu key but when I go onto ssiw and press it, nothing happens.

Its working now, I’ve just worked it out.
Thanks for the help.:slight_smile:

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Can you tell us what you did, in case anyone else is in the same situation? :slight_smile:

I just kept pressing the menu button, which is the same as the diagram above, and the menu came up. I had to keep pressing it a few times.

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