'I want to be a Welsh speaker because...'

achos dw i’n moyn gallu siarad yr iaith, darllen llyfrau Cymraeg, a mwynhau diwylliant yr wlad.

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I want to understand the language of my father’s family and be able to speak and write with them in that language.


I can then speak Welsh to my Grandchildren who are being educated in Welsh schools and Surprise my Daughter In Law who is a Welsh Teacher!


I want to be a Welsh speaker so that I can communicate on a higher level with my customers who are first language Welsh.


Very simply, I want to be a Welsh speaker because I am Welsh!
To happen? To be able to read a book of the history of Wales in Welsh.

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I want to learn Welsh because I’ve lived in Wales for 17 years and the longer I’ve lived here the more I value the language and the more I am impressed by it. I want to be able to say I can do that too!


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I’m a Welsh woman living in England at the moment, and my children were born in England. I want them to know their heritage, and I think that language is a good way in.

I also have dreams about moving to the west Wales coast… :thinking::star_struck:

Oh, and I love languages, and Welsh is beautiful :heart:


Moving home to wales, I’d really like to speak to my friends in Welsh. They have encouraged me to learn, and are very helpful in practicing with me.


I want to be a Welsh speaker so I can chat with my welsh speaking friends and I love languages.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because both my grandmothers spoke fluent Welsh and their immediate family and I want the Welsh language to continue.

I hope to gain the confidence to speak Welsh bod dydd (each day). My confidence is building slowly:)


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I plan to retire to North Wales to be closer to my family and even though pretty much everybody speaks English, I feel it’s the respectful and responsible thing to do.

(and I love the language too…that’s my real motivation. The other is just my excuse.)

I hope that I will be able to get along in N. Wales without using English, even if I don’t need to.


rydw, i eisiau bod yn siarad achos fy iaith genedliaethol yw hi…
Frustratingly, I still cant find the recording facility on soundcloud - hence this post.


I wanted to see if I could learn a new language that I didn’t know at all and I like the idea of keeping a very old language alive.

I hope to be able to speak some Welsh next time I go to Wales.


I’m hoping to move to Wales and want to be able to have conversations in the community and feel like I properly fit in!


I have lived in North Wales for 25 years and also work all over NW and would dearly love to be able to converse in Welsh with natives in this wonderful (if somewhat difficult) language.


It’s a beautiful language. I live in Wales and want to be able to access the whole of Welsh culture. It will also help me to be better at my “job” - I’m a priest.


Both my parents mothers spoke Welsh and came from a traditional Welsh speaking family. So I need to continue that legacy in their memory.

I hope that I will be confident enough to be able to speak and understand Welsh fluently in the future :smiley:


I want to learn Welsh because, having recently moved here and now working here, it’s only respectable to learn the language. Also, because it’s interesting

I hope I can understand and speak to some of my new neighbours and work colleagues


As I now live in Wales I feel it’s only right i should learn the native language and integrate more into the local community and, anyway, mae’n diddorol


I’ve lived in Wales for nearly five years now and am impressed by the culture and determination to make the country and language flourish. I’m also a little jealous when i hear the Welsh conversations that i can’t take part in. I’m looking forward to having a “proper” chat with the lovely lady in our local Welsh shop, once i have a little more Welsh up my sleeve!