In the wild!

Well at long last i was able to use my Welsh in the wilds of Kent. A guy from North Wales called in to our church today on his way home. I was pleased that i was able to hold a conversation and that he was supprised at how much i knew in sich a short time. I never thought i would get the chance to speak Welsh in Kent!


What a terrific story - llongyfarchiadau! I bet you made his day… :star: :star2:

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I’ve just flagged this thread up to Gerald who has recently completed the 6 Month course and also lives in Kent. He would LOVE someone nearby to practise with, so hopefully he’s not too far away from you. I’m not sure he comes on the forum though, so if he’s happy for me to pass on his email address, I’ll do that in a PM to you @steve-t-w-rowley


Hi, Not sure how far out in the wilds of Kent you are but if you can get to London Bridge in London a week this Friday we are holding an event for learners in the Welsh chapel there. The format of the evening is an hour of singing and listening to readings with everything in Welsh (no English at all during the hour) but there will be a complete written translation given to everyone at the start. Cor y Boro will be taking part (they were third in one of the competitions at this years eisteddfod). Sir Simon Hughes (former liberal and local MP who is learning Welsh) should be taking part too. Afterwards there is free food, wine and beer with the whole event being free. Details on (not to be confused with Nicky’s


Ive sent two e-msils Dee so just waiting for a response. I am happy to pop 0ver to him ss its only about a half hour from Ashford.


I’ve asked Gerald to check his spam as he said he hasn’t received them. I’ll PM you his email address again, just to double check.

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Hi, I am in Rochester in Kent, Welsh O ’ level and 60 days into duo lingo 2 days here.


If you’re interested in meeting up with a very keen SSiWer who lives not too far from you, send me a PM with your email address and I’ll pass it onto him. He doesn’t often come on the forum, but is very active in the Welsh Speaking Practice group.

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