Interesting podcasts for learners

Found some fun podcasts to help with Cymraeg (on iTunes).

  1. Pigion: Highlights for Welsh Learners (in Welsh)

  2. Welsh Word of the Day (English / Welsh)

  3. Learn Welsh Podcast (English / Welsh)

  4. The Story of Wales : A series of short films about the history of Wales . (English)
    Stori Cymru : Same series presented in Welsh.

  5. Beibl cymraeg - Welsh Bible


Note that Pigion also has a vocabulary page for each episode, which also includes the text of the intro bit for each segment of the podcast:
Current version of the Pigion Geirfa (vocabulary) link page

This page can be reached by going to the Pigion homepage on BBC Radio Cymru and looking toward the bottom, or under Geirfa’r Podlediad near the top. I subscribe to Pigion through iTunes, btw.

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