Irish Gaelic translator

Hello Everyone

I know this is a long shot, but wondered if any of you know or know of an Irish speaker who could help? I’ve tried translation services but am not after written text-book Irish - It’s the more colloquial translation I’m after. There are about 20 or so short phrases to translate and I’m more than happy to pay - just got to get it right.

I haven’t seen any of our Irish speakers on the forum for a while - @brideilisnifhlathart might be able to help if she gets an email alerting her to this - fingers crossed :sunny:

Failing that, this site seems pretty helpful and friendly -

with quite a few people on there who seem to know what they are talking about (though I can’t be sure, of course! :wink: )

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Thanks Aran. I’ve already had a bit of help from a forum member, and will see how that goes before contacting them - but great lead, thanks.

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Thanks so much Owain! This really is the most wonderful forum - couldn’t hope for better help. And it’s not even about Welsh!

Diolch Aran for the tag.

Like Owain said The Irish Language Forum ( is where myself and the rest of the Irish crowd hang-out :slight_smile: . You are very welcome to post there.

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Thank you very much for that! x

Thank you very much for that!

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