Could we maybe set up a weekly conversation group in Welsh for people on here? It will improve everyone’s Welsh and maybe give people a focus? Anyone who has another language would you be willing to teach it?
There are lots of those happening already in the Welsh Speaking Practise group on Slack. If you email they’ll send you an invitation to the group.
Now I was on Slack and the groups can not be seen is it just to involve into the hangouts when they happen or you need a special invitation/permition to see them?
(Sorry, a tech person asking stupid questions but can’t help myself right now.)
If you click on ‘channels’, you can see all the groups that have set up their own channels, and by clicking on any of them in the list, you’ll get a preview and an option to join that channel. You can then chat by text in that group, make calls and join any hangouts that don’t get listed in the general channels.
Diolch @siaronjames! How the heck did I forgot about that? it’s evident I wasn’t on Slack for ages already so time to re-learn things and features.
Well I’m chuffed - it’s not often I can help you out on the technical side of things!
Maybe you don’t know yet, but you’re very techy person besides everything (magnificent) else.