Meet up Betws-y-Coed/Llanrwst

P’nawn Da pawb!

Is anyone keen on arranging a regular (maybe monthly) meet up for ssiw learners in Llanwrst/Betws?
I’ve checked the emails and can’t see any that close.

Doesn’t have to be a lot of us just 3 or 4 would be great to practice.

Gad i mi wybod!


Hi Jenny
Interested in your suggestion. Currently there is a monthly meeting on the 4th Saturday of the month in the morning in a local café in Blaenau FFestiniog (11-00 until just after 12)



If this was in conwy I’d be interested…bit far to get to llanrwst for me

Hi Alan,
Where abouts are you? I’m about 40 mins from Blaenau so was hoping to get somewhere a bit closer.

Hi Jenny I am in Blaenau FFestiniog.

Hi Jenny there is a meet up with all different levels of Welsh learners at The Gladstone pub in Penmaenmawr every Saturday at around half 10 I think which I have heard is very good. Not sure if that is a bit far for you to travel . Unfortunately I can never attend it due to working every Saturday morning

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Bit of a mistake. Have been informed it is held just one Saturday a month. Not sure which one until i see the lady but if you are interested then I will find out for you :slight_smile:

Hi there,
I come to Llanrwst regularly to see my daughter and her family. Love to combine it with a paned a sgwrs!
Alan Nason

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Great! When are you next due to visit?

Hello Jenny,
On holiday at the moment. Back Friday. Happy to arrange something soon. Perhaps once a month? I’m not very good with social media. Our personal email is: . Please feel free to get in touch.

Alan Nason

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I live in Llanbedr Y Cennin so, it sounds like something in which I’d be interested and it’s close enough. Harvey Fudge.

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I was thinking Y Stablau yn Betws as it’s big enough that there are always spaces to sit :slight_smile:
Are any evenings best for you Harvey?

Monday or Friday are my only free times. Harvey.

Hi Harvey,
Sorry I have had some bad news recently so not been online very much - definitely still keen to arrange something in the future but at present I am very busy with looking after things here.
Apologies again for the delay - Jenny

Sorry you’re having a tough time, Jenny - hang on in there, and don’t worry about this until things are more manageable.

Mae’n ddrwg gen i glywed dy fod wedi cael newyddion drwg, a gobeithio bydd pethau’n gweithio allan yn iawn i ti’n fuan.
Dw i wedi cyfarfod â merch o’r enw Andrea sy’n byw yn Pandy Tudur ac sydd â diddordeb mewn mynychu sesiwn sgwrsio yn ei hardal. A faset yn gadael gwybod i mi pan a phryd y bydd y sesiynau’n cymryd lle os gweli’n dda er mwyn i mi fedru pasio’r wybodaeth ymlaen iddi?
Diolch yn fawr :slightly_smiling_face:

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Diolch am dy neges Nora!
Fyddi di licio cyfarfod hefyd, neu Andrea yn unig?
Mae na pedwar o honna ni rwan, felly wna i awgrymu rhwybeth.
Mae Harvey Fudge wedi deud bod nos Llyn a Gwener syn y gorau efo fo.
Wyt ti’n medri check efo dy ffrind Andrea am pryd yn dda efo hi, a gad i mi wybod?

Diolch am dy neges.
Dw i ddim yn nabod Andrea yn dda - wnes i gwrdd efo hi yn y llyfrgell leol. Mae gen i ei chyfeiriad ebost, a dw i wedi sgwennu ati, ond heb gael ateb hyd yn hyn. Dw i;n byw yn Nhalysarn ac yn mynychu meet-up bob wythnos yn Penygroes. Mi wna i drïo cysylltu efo Andrea eto. Dw i ddim yn gwybod pa noson fasa ora i Andrea.
Dw i wedi cael neges gan @steveeley yn dweud ei fod wedi gweld arwydd yn Llanrwst am meet-up yn y llyfrgell yno. Wyt ti’n gwybod am hwn os gweli’n dda? Mae Andrea yn byw yn Pandy Tudur - ella basa Llanrwst yn well iddi hi?
Sori am fynd “on and on”!!!

Haia Nora,
Dwi ddim wedi clywed am y meet up yn y llyfrgell, ond dwi’n hapus i cyfarfod yn Llanrwst yn gyfreddinol!
Wna i aros tan mae hi wedi anfon neges nol i ti a mynd o yno.

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Diolch @jennyroberts :smile:
Dw i wedi derbyn neges ganddi yn diolch am y wybodaeth. Ella bydd hi’n mynd i’r “Pub Welsh” yn Capel Garmon ar nosweithiau Iau.
Pob lwc efo’r Grŵp: mae meet-ups yn wych ac yn ffordd dda i greu hyder i ddefnyddio Cymraeg!