Norfolk meet-up

Yes, I agree with you about ease of access, and I think a venue in the vicinity of Norwich would be a good for a possible August meeting. Mousehole Heath could be suitable for this because they do arrange guided walks, and I have been given the email address of the Lead Warden there. In the meantime I have had an email from the National Trust Countryside Manager for North Norfolk, and one of their volunteers would be willing to lead a walk some time during the last two weeks of September. I am going to give two mid-week dates and then if something provisional is agreed let everyone know to try to get an idea of numbers. But I think I am going to now attempt to arrange a first meeting in August at Mousehole.

Great. I’m away from the 12th to the 22nd.

Wow - a lot has happened since I last looked Janice! Was going to email and say I have quite a busy August and am away 1st 2 weeks in September. Having said that - if anything can be organised in August I will try my best! Still - it looks like a good network is building. I am near Swaffham and there is someone near me as well.

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Week commencing 23rd August good for me :slightly_smiling_face:.

Week commencing 23rd August good for me too. Swaffham is an interesting place to visit if I remember and the ecological centre is there with the wind turbine.

Noted, Richard. Am hoping some definite dates for both the NT and Mousehole Heath will soon materialise.

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Thanks for the encouraging comment. Am still trying to finalise dates.


Please note I have a definite date for the Sheringham Park guided walk - 2pm on Wednesday 22 September. Please indicate if you intend attending, and I shall then be able to give The NT Countryside Manager an idea of the number of people.

Am still waiting to hear from Will Stewart the Lead Warden at Mousehole Heath. If not, then I shall try to arrange something at How Hill, Ludham.


Also, I should like to suggest our Welsh interpreter liaises on a preliminary basis directly with the Guide either by telephone or email, just to ensure everything goes smoothly on the day. If this is agreed I shall put this to the NT Manager and then arrange contact details.


Hi Janice

That is great - thank you! Yes - I can do that :slightly_smiling_face:.

Best wishes

Good to hear you can make the Sheringham date, Julie.

Was it someone called John who offered to be our interpreter? I cannot just now locate the email about this on our Forum topic. Could he or if not, anyone else who could take on this role please get in contact.

Deborah, things have moved on somewhat since your kind Newsletter note. Would an update be appropriate I am wondering. I have a definite date from the National Trust Countryside Manager for a guided walk in Sheringham Park on Wednesday 22 September 2021 at 2 pm. The idea is that the guide will speak in English but then be interpreted into Welsh by one of our fluent speakers. There will also be an opportunities for people to practise their Welsh with other members of the group.
Best wishes

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Hi Janice I can make the event. I am John. You will remember me Janice as I attend the Monday evening Cambridge and Norfolk Zoom meetup. If we don’t find a first language speaker to act as interpreter I could volunteer.

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Hi John, pleased to hear from you. It would be great to have you as our interpreter. Thank you for offering. Hope you are up on ‘great crested newts’, and ‘swallowtail’ butterflies in Welsh! Do you think the interpreter liaising with the guide on a preliminary basis, perhaps a telephone chat or email exchange, would be a good idea?

Everyone, please note the details of the meeting in Sheringham Park on Wednesday 22 September at 2 pm. We are to meet our guide Ian by the small black building in the car park.

Have not so far heard from the Mousehole Heath Lead Warden about a possible guided walk in late August. Have also been in contact with the Yare Valley Society who are interested in possibly assisting.


Many thanks for all your work on this Janice!
Best wishes

Just an update to say the Yare Valley Walk is looking a little unlikely for the end of August.

Best wishes to all

Have just had a phone call from Will Stewart, Lead Warden at Mousehole Heath. He has been away and only just caught up with my emails. He is willing to lead a walk lasting about an hour on the Heath on either Thursday 2nd September or Friday 3 September at 2pm, meeting at the car park in Britannia Road, St James Hill. No donation required Refreshments available at a convenient cafe. Numbers to be no more than 10-12. Please let me know if you are interested. Said I would let Mr Stewart know by next Monday.

Everyone, Mr Stewart, the Mousehold Heath Warden, now advises that the 3 September date is now not possible since he has to attend a management meeting on that day. However, he is happy to lead a Walk on Thursday 2 September, at any time, but I should like to suggest 2 pm would be suitable.

Julie, this is nearer for you than the coastal venue, so I hope you will be able to attend both walks.

John, are you okay to be interpreter, as required?

Richard, Mousehole Heath was of course one of your kind suggestions, so I hope to see you there.

Best wishes to all