Ditto for me.
We were talking on Friday about trying to arrange some sort of SSiW Oxford Day Out in June (like those organised in London and various place in Wales).
@owen-mcknight has kindly offered to show us Jesus College Library and some of the Welsh books in the collection after the end of term . That points us towards the weekend of Sat 27 & Sun 28 June as being the best option, with a preference for Sun 28th.
I’m hoping to be able to arrange a couple of other activities as well but hopefully that weekend will work for most of you who’d like to come along?
Hwyl, John
Well, we now have Mark Davies a local historian lined up for Sun 28th to give us a talk on ‘Welsh connections in Oxford’ (from the distant past all the way through to Dylan Thomas!) so it’s looking good for the SSiW Oxford Day Out
Cyffrous iawn. Great. Can’t wait. Sadly fy mam will be on holiday for this gathering. Excuse to arrange even more outings I think
Well, we could always have another river trip …
Helo pawb - bearing in mind Catrin’s Meet-ups on hold because of Coronavirus? posting today, maybe we should have a straw poll about whether or not you’d prefer our meetups to be put on hold for the time being. Let me know what you think (you can PM me if you’d rather )
Hwyl a iechyd da,
Hi John. I am happy to continue meeting, though I would understand if people prefer to hold off for a while.
I too am happy to continue meeting, at least for the moment. I have a cough, which can be quite bad, but it’s the same cough that I have had since November. I haven’t been anywhere more exotic than Burford. If I think that I am developing worrying symptoms then I shall stay home. If the volunteer situation in the shop gets too bad then I might have to give that preference. Some of our over-eighties have decided to opt out for now. Understandable.
Iechyd da pawb.
I am sorry I have decided not to attend our great group meetings for the time being as I do not wish to risk passing the virus onto my son who has asthma and is now working from home. I will miss seeing you all. I will be staying at home reading Welsh books . Bethan
Yes, in the circumstances, it’s probably for the best, Bethan - hope you both manage to keep well
Cofion gorau, John
We’ll need to keep all this under review, of course, but for the time being we can carry on as we are, with the next meetup in the RB tomorrow (Friday).
Depending on how things evolve, though, maybe we could think about the possibilities of having SSiW Oxford video meetups via Slack.
Alternatively, now that we’re moving into Spring perhaps meetups in the open air (armed with umbrellas, of course
) could be a way of reducing any risks …
Hwyl, John
It’s not likely to rain tomorrow. Chilly but not extra cold. Should we consider going outside somewhere close by? Short notice, but maybe it’s not the best idea to sit close together for 2 hours? See what is announced at 12 o’clock today?
Edited to add: Although I’m not a great fan of Slack, it does seem a good idea to use it at the moment. I seem to be moving in the direction of not meeting after all. (Changed Skype to Slack. Aaargh - losing the plot.)
I’d been thinking we might carry on as normal in the RB tomorrow and reassess over the weekend, but we could decamp tomorrow to an outside venue if everybody’s happy - maybe Oxford Castle Quarter would be the nearest spot with outside seating and at the same time not so noisy it’d be difficult to hear. Alternatively a sgwrs+saunter along Christchurch Broad Walk & Meadow might work.
What do our ‘regulars’ think? @bethan-williams-1 @Betterlatethan @chris-roberts @owen-mcknight @RichardBuck @ruth-connor ? (Bethan, although I’ve included you on the list I don’t really expect you’ll want to come to any meetups at the moment )
I was thinking about coming tomorrow - I have to take the car for a service the following week, and by then I would expect that social distancing may have been mandated, so that could be our last opportunity for a while. However, decamping outdoors in adequate clothing for the ambient temperature might be a worthwhile halfway house, so I guess either Castle Quarter or sgwrs & saunter for me.
Enjoy your scwrs and saunter tomorrow. It sounds Lovely and I wish I was going to be joining you! Take care, Bethan
I was still planning to come tomorrow but I’d be happy to do an outdoor chat/walk if that’s what the majority would rather do.
OK, let’s settle on an outside option for tomorrow, then.
So, it’s sit or saunter? @RichardBuck & @chris-roberts don’t mind which, but what do you think @Betterlatethan @owen-mcknight @ruth-connor?
Happy with either.
Selfishly I would opt for the Castle Quarter as its closer to my office at Hythe Bridge Street. But as I would be arriving at 12:10 ish and leaving at 12:50 probably I can’t take priority. If people prefer a walk down Christchurch way I’ll just have to hop on my bike
Castle Quarter is good. It’s convenient for the Westgate bus stop. Any suggestions for a suitable cafe with outside seating?