There’s some interest on the “Perth Welsh - Cymru Perth” Facebook page in having a meetup in the city. Any one else interested?
I’ve posted this in the ‘Antipodes’ channel of the Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group. You might get some interest there
The next newsletter won’t be until 25th June, but I’ll include a note about this then. If you get any more information @dianne-1 post it here and I’ll pass it on.
Great idea.
Sat 22 June, 11 am at the cafe in the State Library (near the Art Gallery, in the Cultural Centre) . The cafe is called “First Edition”.
Thanks Dee Thanks for the “like” Heather! I can’t wait to meet you
and we did it! not exactly to an SSiW format, but a lot of interest in Welsh learning. The photo was taken by Heather Nicholls who didn’t want to be in the picture - although she is absolutely gorgeous and should be! She did a lot of the work getting this meeting going, but we are all very keen
Brilliant! I should be in Perth towards the end of March next year for a couple of weeks. I look forward to joining an even bigger group by then
We had a great time. I’m sure we will have a much bigger group by next March, so look forward to meeting you then.