Plygain in Coventry Sunday 15 December

For anyone interested and in the Midlands (of England), Coventry’s only Welsh male voice choir Côr Cymraeg Coventry are singing some Plygain for about an hour at Coventry’s oldest pub, The Old Windmill, Spon Street CV1 3BA, which has also been Coventry CAMRA’s pub of the year twice recently, on Sunday December 15th from 1pm until 2 ish. Entry is free. We would love to see some of you there!

I would love to hear them, but coming from Vancouver is a bit of a stretch.

Any chance they would record some of this, or someone could kindly ask their permission to video even just one piece and try to capture the pub atmosphere please? I have told folk here about the tradition so really want to be able to do a little ‘show and tell’ to encourage some of my friends who sing.

Fingers and toes crossed,

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Hi @MarilynHames

That’s a really nice idea, I’ll see if I can get someone to take a video :slight_smile:


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Gwych Andy!

For what it’s worth my favourite is ‘Ar Gyfer Heddiw’r Bore’. My dream come true would be to actually join a Plygain ‘session’ on Christmas morning.

Hey,… since we are 8 hours behind Wales (so early morning here would be a ‘civilized time’ in the UK or elsewhere on this continent), is it in the realms of possibility that others could listen to a recording to learn it so we could link up on Slack and do some Plygain Christmas morning?

I know there are SSiW folk who have regular Slack sing-alongs, but I’m thinking a real ‘come all ye’ to try to help recapture and spread something of this wonderful tradition.

Am I just dreaming, or perhaps seed-planting?


Sorry! Didn’t get round to even thinking about this. Maybe sometime.
