Pump am y Penwythnos / Friday Five 13/09/2019

Bore da!

Sorry for the lack of Friday Five questions over the last few weeks.

1) It’s Friday the 13th! In which ways are you superstitious?

2) This thread has been absent for quite some time. In no more than 6 words, describe how the last two months has been for you?

3) Share with us a piece of music or song which has recently come in to your life, either as a newly discovered old song, or a new release?

4) As of this week, we have a new back door. The old one was rotten and unusable. When was the last time your quality of life improved by something so basic.

5) Finish this sentence - I thought things were going quite well until…

1) It’s Friday the 13th! In which ways are you superstitious?
Not at all - croesi bysedd :laughing:
2) This thread has been absent for quite some time. In no more than 6 words, describe how the last two months has been for you?
Completely void of purpose. :laughing:
3) Share with us a piece of music or song which has recently come in to your life, either as a newly discovered old song, or a new release?
I was recently delighted to find someone who knew an old Gaelic rowing song (%) that a school friend’s highland father used to sing. It has stuck in my memory ever since. At a recent school reunion, I started singing my memory of the tune and the (phonetic) words - something like - “ho vansh na ho van ho, ho vansh na hi ho ro”. I’d hardly sang the first line when an old friend joined in with a rousing authentic version. We finished the song with gusto and I can’t describe how emotional that was. :smile:
4) As of this week, we have a new back door. The old one was rotten and unusable. When was the last time your quality of life improved by something so basic.
A bit more dramatically - we’re having a new kitchen installed right now so everything is in boxes and we’re eating out of a microwave. The boss is a Cymro Cymraeg and his mate is not, so it’s interesting and natural that we switch back and fore from Welsh to English depending on his presence. My grandaughter has had no hesitation in rebuking them for the mess they have been making. :laughing:

5) Finish this sentence - I thought things were going quite well until…
I self-censored my first three responses because they were too political for this lovely forum.

(%) I’ve since found out that the song is Morag of Dunvegan and is a love song rather than a rowing song.

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The hire company phoned me up this morning and said they were picking the courtesy car up on Monday morning :sob:

1) It’s Friday the 13th! In which ways are you superstitious?

It’s unlucky to be superstitious…

In Plymouth we used to have to cross our fingers if we walked over 3 drains (i say drains but I think they were electrical control units) in a row.

2) This thread has been absent for quite some time. In no more than 6 words, describe how the last two months has been for you?


(i counted Eye-opening as one)

3) Share with us a piece of music or song which has recently come in to your life, either as a newly discovered old song, or a new release?

I heard Tudur Huws Jones sing Angor live when he was with Gwerinos and it rekindled my love for that song but also led me to rediscover Mil Harddach Wyt - which has a whole new meaning for me now…

4) As of this week, we have a new back door. The old one was rotten and unusable. When was the last time your quality of life improved by something so basic.

Very similar, we have new internal doors on every door so we can actually open and shut each one. Bliss :heart_eyes:

5) Finish this sentence - I thought things were going quite well until…

I realised how bored and unstimulated I was in work. Talk about exestential crisis!

Interesting answers everybody.
In October already @CatrinLliarJones? :slight_smile:

Good spot - I’ve medi-ated it.:smile:

Noswaith dda … (and it’s not Friday anymore but who cares anyway…)

Not superstitious about this. But I actually am superstitious in a way about Friday (any Friday though) as our proverb says “If you laugh of Friday you’ll cry on Sunday.” so I don’t tend to be too jolly on Friday even if it’s the chance to be.

  • Experimental


  • Relaxing

  • Exciting

  • Scarry

  • Tasty


  • Friendly


Well, not one in particular at the moment.

Well, my shoes literally dissolved at work 2 days ago and I had to organize a trip to the shop in the middle of the work to buy new so I could go home at all. Yah, my life was immediatelly better since my legs got a bit of cure from pain (which tortures me for about a year now already), too.

I’ve stepped from the bus on the edge of the pavement and dropped on it like the cutted grass due to pulled muscle.

1) It’s Friday the 13th! In which ways are you superstitious?

I’m nor, really. Though I do have my little rituals, passed on to me by parents and grandparents. I see them as traditions which keep a connection with the past. :wink:

2) This thread has been absent for quite some time. In no more than 6 words, describe how the last two months has been for you?

sleepless, busy, autumnal, social, rapid, revealing

3) Share with us a piece of music or song which has recently come in to your life, either as a newly discovered old song, or a new release?

I’d say Carwyn Ellis & Rio18’s album Joia - fresh and funky bossa nova tunes. Worth a listen

4) As of this week, we have a new back door. The old one was rotten and unusable. When was the last time your quality of life improved by something so basic.

We also have a shower in the house for the first time since moving in three years ago - I’m beside myself

5) Finish this sentence - I thought things were going quite well until… it wasn’t going well any longer. It’s a trial and error process, but I’m a little sick of the ‘error’ bit now and would really like the trials to start bearing fruit and for things to start going in the right direction…

1) It’s Friday the 13th! In which ways are you superstitious?
By having concluded that virtually everything that happens seems to be a product of either good or bad luck.

2) This thread has been absent for quite some time. In no more than 6 words, describe how the last two months has been for you?
One big blur, just like all the previous months.

3) Share with us a piece of music or song which has recently come in to your life, either as a newly discovered old song, or a new release?
Definitely ‘Esgyrn’ by Calfari (from another Fforwm thread). Just my luck that the band had already disbanded.

4) As of this week, we have a new back door. The old one was rotten and unusable. When was the last time your quality of life improved by something so basic.
A single piece of new fencing at the top of the garden where a wooden contraption separating us from the adjoining cemetery had collapsed about 18 months ago.
Funnily enough, the new back door we had installed on the shed c.2 years ago is now even more rotten and unusable than the old one used to be.

5) Finish this sentence - I thought things were going quite well until…
I started school.