Question on SSI Welsh Challenges 1 and 2

Hi SSI forum team! I’m currently in Australia but started Entry Level Welsh with a great teacher at the Palmerston Centre in Barry earlier this year (and will continue when we get back to Wales). We (my wife and I) have been continuing lessons in Welsh online as far as possible.
We have found SSI Welsh drilling very useful, but (possibly because we are modern language graduates) need to be able to picture words in written form as well as say them.
There is a recurring phrase which I haven’t found in any online dictionary and is frustrating me. Comes up in Challenge 1 and 2 - “I still need to…” sounds like “Mae eshay fi” - apologies for murdering the spelling…Any help appreciated. Phil T

The phrase you are looking for is Mae (dal) eisiau i fi …I (still) need to …, which is a common construction in Southern Welsh. Literally it translates to “There (still) is a need for me to …”

Note that Northern Welsh uses eisiau for want, while need is angen in the north. These differences seem very confusing in the beginning, but with time you’ll find the phrases that work well for you.

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Hi Hendrik - thanks, that’s very helpful.
I live in South Wales (usually) so that’s the language I’m focusing on. Clearly, as in English, some words also merge together depending on the sounds!

It looks as though you have not found the vocabulary list on the website. Perhaps this link will help.