Questions for the SSiW Online Eisteddfod 2019

Yes, anyone can enter.

Once the Categories and Topics are finalised, they will be posted in a separate thread in this section - hopefully by the end of this week :slight_smile:


Thanks. :grinning:

Not a question, just wanted to say “excited, excited, excited!” :smiley: :smiley:

Looking forward to this year’s Eisteddfod. I love a bit of creative writing :slight_smile:


Sorry. Might be a silly question :confused: can we enter more than one?

yes you can :slight_smile:


Well…with SSiW we’re all working on our speaking skills, aren’t we?

As you can easily guess :wink: I do like the music review category, but I don’t really know how to spell words correctly (unless I look up and find each one on the dictionary, maybe?)
May I hire an editor? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Or any tips for those who have done Level 3 but write like a 5 year-old? :sweat_smile:

This is a good time to practice, no pressure on spelling, but also, doing it (writing, misspelling, looking up the word), will all help your writing skills and vocab. So my tip for Level 3 5 year olds, have a go :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Have a look at the latest version :wink:

Meaning I should write a tour diary in Welsh, this time? :thinking: :scream::smiley:

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Hi! I’m new to the whole idea of Eisteddfod and I’ve been wondering about the tradition of ‘ffugenw’. Are they just selected randomly or is there a traditional style or pattern for them? Should they have any secret significance? :slight_smile:

Hi Cetra,

You select them yourself. They can have a secret meaning if you like and a traditional way of doing it was “enw+lliw+bro” so you could end up with Gwilym Gwyn Glan Clwyd because you might be called William, you’re peaceful and come from Glan Clwyd. But you don’t have to. Could be your favourite animal and a colour, or a character you associate with, or just you like the sound of it :slight_smile:

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That’s great, thanks Anthony! I had a feeling it wouldn’t just be random! :slight_smile: Thinking of a ffugenw will be as much fun as entering something! :slight_smile:

When’s the Closing Date?

It’s not opened yet, so no date had been set as yet.

The Submission Period will start on 4th November and run until the 15th, so technically speaking, as long as you get your entries in before the 15th November, you’ll be fine.

For the solo singing category, is it just singing Traws Cambria? Unaccompanied? Can I record piano or guitar too? @Deborah-SSi

You can sing with accompaniment - a single instrument would probably be best … just in case anyone has access to an entire orchestra :smile:

Quick question for you Deborah. In the category Englyn Milwr is it essential to use the first line “Wrth fynd am daith un diwrnod” or is it an optional example for a starting line?

Yes, you need to use that line. It’s what we’ve always done to set everyone the same starting point, but perhaps we could vary that in future years. Thanks for raising it :slight_smile:

Diolch, mae’n iawn. Syniad da i ddefnyddio yr un llinell; mae’n ddefnyddiol i gael y pwynt dechrau 'na

Thanks, that’s fine. Good idea to use the same line; its useful to have that starting point.

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