South East Cornwall Meet-up

Sorry, I meant the one after that, I am away for the April 29th!

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Hi Eirian we met up today and decided the next meeting will be at the cafe in Portwrinkle (the Jolly Roger), 10:30am till mid-day on Friday 24th May. Please send an email if you would like yo join our friendly group and I will send you more details:

Shwmai, chwech eto heddiw! Bore bendigedig oedd e. Croeso mawr i bawb tro nesaf. Bydd yn digwydd ar bore Gwener 24 Mai yn y caffi ym Mhortwrinkle hanner arr wedi deg i hanner sydd!
Hi . This morning at our SSiW meeting we had 6 people - 3 learners and 3 fluent speakers. Great morning and very helpful to us learners. Welcome to all learners and Welsh speakers next time.
Next meeting will be at the Jolly Roger cafe, Portwrinkle, 10:30am-12 noon Friday 24 May. Please email me if you would like more details:


Sorry, I’d already uploaded the weekly newsletter ready to go before I saw this. It will definitely be in next week’s though :slight_smile:

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Shwmai. Bydd croeso mawr i bawb tro nesaf. Bydd yn digwydd ar bore dynd Gwener 14 Mehefin yn Island View Cafe, Hannafore, West Looe, am hanner awr wedi deg i hanner dydd. Mae’n bosibl i barcio am ddim ar y heol yn agos i’r cafe.
Hi . There is always a big welcome to all learners and Welsh speakers at our meetings.
Next meeting will be at the Island View Cafe, Hannafore, West Looe (next door to the tennis club with free parking on the road near by, 10:30am-12 noon Friday 14 June 2019. Please email me if you would like more details:

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Shwmai. Bydd croeso mawr i bawb tro nesaf. Bydd yn digwydd ar bore dydd Gwener 19 Gorfennaf yn y Duchy Nursery Cafe, Lostwithiel, am hanner awr wedi deg i hanner dydd. Mae’n bosibl i barcio am ddim yn y maes parcio yno.

Hi . There is always a big welcome to all learners and Welsh speakers at our meetings.
Next meeting will be at the Duchy Nursery Cafe, Cott Road, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HW 10:30am-12 noon Friday 19 July 2019. There is a large car park there. Please email me if you would like more details:


Hi Sorry, the SE Cornwall July meet up is cancelled, due to non availability of 3-4 of the SSiW SE Cornwall people.

Wedi canslo.

We’ll re-convene in Sept, not sure when or where yet. Keep in touch if you want to join us.

Hwyl am nawr,

Sorry your July meet-up isn’t going ahead, Lillian — I’ve been to the Duchy Nursery near Lostwithiel and it’s a very nice venue.

I don’t have any plans to travel to Cornwall in the near future, but I may get down there in December — probably mostly in the west, though (but I will almost certainly have my car). I would still love to visit the SSiW Cornwall group if I can make it some time! I don’t know very much Welsh at all yet, but I’d love to learn more.


Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf yn digwydd bore Gwener, 6ed Medi yn y Jolly Roger Cafe, Portwrinkle, 10:30-hanner dynd.
Bydd croeso mawr i bob ddysgwyr a phob siaradwyr hefyd.

Hi, the next meeting of our small but very friendly SSiW SE Cornwall Group will take place in the Jolly Roger Cafe, Portwrinkle, (Finnygook Lane, Portwrinkle, PL11 3BU) on Friday Morning, 6th Sept - 10:30am-12:00. There is a pay and display car park next to it (£2 for 2 hrs). Big welcome to all learners and Welsh speakers.

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Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf yn digwydd yn y Jolly Roger cafe ym Mhortwrinkle eto, bore Mercher 25ed Medi, yn dechrau am hanner awr wedi deg, fel arfer.

The next meeting will be in the cafe in Portwrinkle Wednesday 25th Sept, starting at 10:30am. We hope that you will be able to attend.

It is at Finnygook Ln, (Portwrinkle) Torpoint PL11 3BU

A big welcome to all Welsh learners and speakers.

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Bydd y cyfarfod SSiW SE Cornwall yn digwydd bore Mercher 23 Hydref am hanner aar wedi deg yn y caffi ym Mhortwrinkle.

Gobeithio chi’n gallu dod.

Hi all

The next meeting of our SSiW SE Cornwall group will take place at 10:30am - midday on Wed 23 Oct in the cafe in Portwrinkle.

We hope you can join us?

Out of interest, Lillian, how is the “mh” in “ym Mhortwrinkle” pronounced in Cymraeg?

Just curious, as it’s a mutation we don’t have in Cornish. P usually mutates to B, or occasionally to F (only in a few circumstances). Portwrinkle’s non-Anglicised name is Porthwykkel, so “to Portwrinkle” would be “dhe Borthwykkel”. To mutate it to F, we’d need to say something like “my Portwrinkle”, which would be “ow Forthwykkel” (but I’m not sure where one would use that :slight_smile: ).

Agas gweles yn Kernow unn jydh, dell waytyav! (I hope to see you (plural) in Cornwall one day)

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Hi Courtenay

Thanks for this. While Portwrinkle is a Cornish place name, I choose to mutate it, using Tryglad Trwynol (nasal mutation) when I am talking about it in Welsh , so that it is like:-

Penarth becomes ym Mhenarth ((In Penarth) where I come from), so
Portwrinkle - becomes ym Mhortwrinkle (in Portwrinkle).

It sounds like “Umm Hortwrinkle”

But if Aran or Dee could help, that would be great! Cheers,

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But then there are other mutations that could apply too:-

Looe and Portwrinkle = Looe a Phortwrinkle (aspirate mutation)

Wrth Bortwrinkle = By/near Portwrinkle (soft mutation)

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Pur dhidheurek, meur ras (very interesting, thanks), Lillian! We don’t have nasal mutation in Kernewek (only soft, aspirate, hard and mixed).

We also usually mutate place names (and personal names) when they’re of Welsh or Breton origin. I wrote an article recently for An Gannas, a monthly Cornish language publication, about my recent trip to North Wales — “dhe Gembra Gledh”. (Kembra = Cymru — and “dh” is the equivalent of “dd” in Welsh spelling.)

Usually, though, we don’t mutate names that aren’t Brythonic to begin with. Which is a relief, because I hate to think of my name being turned into Gourtenay. :flushed: :crazy_face:

How many different kinds of mutation are there in Cymraeg?

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Hi, is this a definite date as I’m hoping to come along. I live in north Cornwall. (23rd October)

Shwmai Paul - diolch. Bydd croeso mawr i chi yn y cyfarfod.

Hi Paul, thanks - yes it is as definite as can be be. Though if anything happens to make us re-arrange it -I’ll post a note here a few days before hand.

Alternatively, if you let me have your email address, I’ll include you in the group round robin email a few days before.

Thanks for the quick reply.
Diolch Paul…

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Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf yn digwydd yn y Duchy of Cornwall Nursery Cafe, Cott Road, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HW, Mercher 6ed Tachwedd, 10:30-hanner dydd.

The next meeting will be on Wed 6th Nov in the cafe at the Duchy Nursery 10:30-12:00. Cott Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0HW. You can park free of charge there. We hope that you will be able to attend.

A big welcome to all Welsh learners and speakers.

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Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf yn digwydd yn y Jolly Roger Caffi ym Mhortwrinkle,(Finnygook Lane, (Portwrinkle) Torpoint, PL11 3BU , Mercher 4ydd Rhagfyr, 10:30-hanner dydd.

The next meeting will be on Wed 4th Dec 10:30am-mid-day in the cafe in Portwrinkle. We hope that you will be able to attend.

A big welcome to all Welsh learners and speakers.

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