SSIW and bad days at work

diolch yn fawr iawn, Catrin and Aran!!!

I had a bad day at work yesterday!!! Well, my colleagues are not exactly what one would call “enthusiastic” about work.
So usually I end up doing my work and their’s on top.

Sometimes it is easier to bare that and sometimes a little more difficult.
Yesterday was one of these difficult days.

At home I decided to make a nice cup of coffee and continue with the course.

And fate or destiny wanted me to end up with Course 2 Lesson 8.
And by the end of the course you had me laughing again and cursing my co-workers in Welsh.

The examples were just too fitting for my bad work-day.

lke “you should work hard and not ask me.”

So, diolch yn fawr iawn, you really made my day yesterday.



That sounds absolutely ideal… :sunny: :star: :star2:

It’s not impossible that some of my experiences working for local government might have found their way into some of those practice sentences…:wink:


Something tells me that you, @sibilazachrau are too kind for your own good and are taken advantage of!!
Something tells me we are all very lucky that you, @aran did not spend your days in Local Government in a state of unalloyed joy!! This gave you the incentive to do something else and we are the beneficiaries!
mmm thinks… what might Sibila end up doing???


FYI, for future reference, the word for “to swear” is “tyngu”


Perhaps you could have a little word with those chaps in Wrecsam…

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That’s ‘swear’ as in ‘to swear that you’ll do something’ - to swear as in to use bad language is ‘rhegi’… :sunny:

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I guess you are right. It is very difficult for me to say no. And unfortunately, I am a very good example for another phrase that we keep repeating in course 2: i shouldn’t love him…but it is easier to tell myself that in many different languages than actually do it. But well, I keep liking my old dog from course 1.
We tend to give nicknames to everybody in the village. Newcomers would often know a person only by his or her nickname, not the real given name. And the man I like is far older than me and is known as the poodle because of his curly hair. Or as the old dog from course one. So, I actually miss the cats and dogs in course 2. But I have hopes for the second half!!!

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@aran: [just edited for family friendliness! Aran :sunny: ]. I thought about this for about five seconds after posting…since I’d heard the word used the way you described.

Ah well. New words for me!

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Interesting…does that word I used (starts with ‘c’, ends with ‘p’) have a harsher meaning in the UK than it does in the US?

I think it possibly does - I would say it’s as strong a word as its homonym that begins with ‘s’.

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I sincerely apologize…in the US, that word (starts with ‘c’, ends with ‘p’) is used as a very mild version of the one that starts with ‘s’ and ends with ‘t’…


Sorry, but No. It may a bit milder than the ‘s’ word but, it is still very crass.

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Many apologies…I’d learned to say it as a milder form of the s-word, more akin to saying “rats”*

*which I am really hoping is not offensive…if it is feel free to edit.


You’re OK there - just don’t discuss your backside using the f***y word :wink:


I understand. Not trying to be harsh. I know it’s very commonly used and we can get desensitized to it. I just don’t want our global friends to think of it as a safe word.

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At a similar stage, I was introduced to “anobeithio llwyr” (I think) last week - also perfectly timed and possibly the most practical addition so far!

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Amusingly, the word for “dirt” in Norwegian/Danish is spelled like our “s-word”, but with “k” in the second position. However, that “sk” sound in Norwegian is pronounced like “sh” in English…you can join the dots. :slight_smile:

As well as its literal meaning, I think it is used as a mild expletive.

However, according to my TYS book this is a perfectly safe word to use in conversation - you could say it to your grandmother, and she wouldn’t bat an eyelid. :slight_smile:

I believe both it and its homonym have to wait until after 9pm for television programs, but not necessarily for films. Both words automatically give a PG rating to a film, but the one you used is still (I believe) a little milder.

I certainly am used to the s…t word being milder than the c…p word!! But an tnternational Forum must be a minefield for such things!
I had a friend whose parents managed to get out of central Europe just before a certain Hitler started warfare all over the place. They spoke heavily accented but very good English, but had never been taught about swear words. I think I mentioned this before, because my poor friend ended up with the sort of language which meant I never did dare to let him meet my mother!!
On the Forum, the only really safe thing is not to swear!

This… :sunny:

[Having got it wrong from time to time myself… :blush: ]