The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)

Hi Zee! Please, never apologise, this is your own personal journey, in your own time at your own pace. You’re doing brilliantly and as well as you continue to enjoy, the pace doesn’t matter … and as for that lockdown fatigue - oh I hear you! Makes you feel as it you’re stuck in the mud sometimes, doesn’t it? But there is a light at the end of the tunnel thank goodness. :slight_smile:

Excellent sentences @geoffrey-barrington! Congratulations on gaining your RED badge! :smile: -D

Just to make everyone else feel better :smiley:

It’s no joke that posting these requires some courage. As @simon-gregory-1 said, just trying to make others feel better!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Going GREEN - week 19 ‘QUESTION’ recording Red to Green badge :sparkle: (Awarded Mondays)

I am not sure if I have posted my sentences in the correct place, I am not familiar with the Forum, only just got used to Slack! sorry guys

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Sorry I can’t post to Sound Cloud

Just tagging @CatrinLliarJones to draw her attention your post here, Chris. SoundCloud clip

Such truly excellent sentences all of you! Congratulations on completing this epic task! You now have your RED badges!


For some reason my recording turned out a bit ‘wobbly’ but I hope this is good enough!

Understood perfectly, @michael-16! You now have your RED badge! :smiley:

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That is a very weird recording of mine. I recorded about 15 sentences and that sounds like a bit of two of them? Should I start again?

Oh dear, my voice/accent! :rofl::joy::rofl: