Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

taw is simply the (very!) Southern word for North and standard mai, @henddraig. Used in exactly the same way.


And you’re not being thick - we can’t remember everything all at once, now can we? :slight_smile:


What is Welsh article usage with sports, specifically with watching sports?

I’ve seen gwylio('r) rygbi, (y) pêl-droed etc. both with and without the article, in various places. (For example, Duolingo’s course mostly uses the article but I recently came across a sentence without one; a Memrise course based on a Cwrd Mynediad omits the article; I just listened to a SSiW-North lesson using “watching the football” which is not what I’d say in English.)

Are both gwylio’r pêl-droed and gwylio pêl-droed (etc.) heard? Do they mean the same thing? Is one version recommendable?

Or is this paid â phoeni territory again?

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Pretty much similar to how this particular one works in English - ‘I’m watching football’, ‘I’m watching the football’ - as close to zero difference as makes no odds… :slight_smile:


Thanks :slight_smile:

“watching the football” sounds odd to me - perhaps because my main source of English growing up in Germany was my father, who was never one for watching any kind of sports - so the sentence construction didn’t come up in conversation!

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In English, I think it depends on who is playing. If, say, in the 6 nations, Wales are playing England, I’d expect virtually everyone in Wales to be watching the riugby. If, say, Ospreys are on the telly playing Munster, since I see the Pro game as not really ‘local’, I might watch, but I might not and I’d say I was watching rugby, because I wasn’t particularly bothered. ‘The’ to me stresses the importance. I watched the football for the first time in my life when my country did so well in Europe! I would never watch football!


And over here in the US, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say they were watching “the” football (or any other sport, for that matter) unless they are saying “I’m watching the (football) game.” (And that is usually said without the sport name because it is usually understood in most contexts.) It sounded very odd to me when I first heard people in Britain saying “I’m watching the football” but I’m now used to it coming from someone over there.


Talking about Wales playing England, and totally off topic. Here in the Anglican diocese of St David’s we have the first woman bishop being consecrated in Cardiff on the 21st January and being installed in her cathedral on Feb 11th, when Cymru and Lloegr are playing. Quite a few people around here are in a bit of a dilemma as to whether to head east or west on the day!


…should be a draw, if there is divine intervention…

Around here, if there is divine intervention, Wales wins!

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Whyever didn’t the Church in Wales reschedule the installation? When my Dad was marrying my stepmother, the Rector started to look worried when dates came up, then Dad said, “I have a list here that Jackie gave me…” and the Rev Elwyn grinned and said, “Oh, of course, I needn’t have worried.” “Well”, said Dad, “She said we could have it any day, but if it clashed with the rugby, she wouldn’t come!”
I am sure the Church in Wales has other senior members and clergy who are as keen not to miss a game as Elwyn was!! :smile: :wink:


@tatjana can you tell me, is it possible to get the SSiW Map on an iPad? Anyone else know?

Sure, @henddraig, use Safari (or whatever browser you use on the iPad), go to saysomethingin.com, tap “Choose a Language”, pick Welsh. You will see the page for Welsh, it has a “hamburger menu” in the top left corner - three stacked lines. Tap that, tap "FAQ’, and scroll down to “What is the SSiW Google Map and Where Can I Find It”. Tap that, and there is a link to the maps. Sounds complicated but it’s really not!


Mae’n ddrwg gen I @AnnaC , since @aran put the bit about Forum policy in, things seem to have changed. The old FAQ seems to be listed under a sort of “info” symbol at the bottom, but does not include the map option. I can see it fine on the lap top, but I wanted to check someone while on the lap top and found I couldn’t. @Kinetic can you help?

Actually, at least on my Android tablet, the FAQ page shows the row of links at the top (as grey boxes just below the color banner) and one of those is “MAP.” Click on that and it will take you straight to the maps page. Takes a bit for them to load, but they’re all there.


Mae’n ddrwg gen i @Sionned, on my iPad, I don’t seem to get those. I get About FAQ Terms and Privacy.
FAQ just gives the How not to get banned info. None are in grey boxes.

@henddraig By “forum policy”, do you mean the banner Aran added about being nice on the forum? I dismissed that a while ago, so I don’t see it anymore. When I click that “hamburger menu” as I described above, I see a list down the left side of my iPad that says “Challenges, FAQ, Forum, ffrinDaith, a little envelope for messages, Account settings, Subscriptions, Logout”. That is where I click FAQ. After I am on the FAQ page, I do see the grey boxes across the top that @Sionned describes, and she’s right, you can get to the maps that way, too.

Can you follow the list of steps I gave you in my previous post and tell me at what point it goes wrong? Maybe I can help better that way.

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I’m not sure I have time now. On my iPad, when I click on The ap I get a screen with various options under it. One is a sort of cog thing bottom right. Click that to log in. Then sort of speech Bubble in bottom centre, that goes to Forum. Then I have green header with my logo pic and if I clic that I get any new messages highlighted. That is top right, to its left is hamburger type thing and to it’s left search icon. Dim arall at top. Bottom options include An info icon must go now. More yfory. Sorry!

Okay, that’s what’s different…I was telling you to use Safari, your browser, not the app. I’m not sure if you can get to the map from the Forum in the app. I’ll play around with it later and see.


Oh! I see! Sorry! I just assumed you didn’t realise I had the ap as an icon, tried via Safari and got the map! Dioch yn fawr iawn iawn for your immense patience with this old dragon! To everyone, @AnnaC deserves a medal!