Trouble accessing advanced content

I never listened to Advanced content on the phone so far (always on computer or iPod), but I have the app installed.
I see an Advanced content section, but there’s nothing in it (or if there is anything I can’t see it!)


A bit of both, I think - it’d probably need to be the former first, and then I imagine I’d likely need to implement some stuff API-wise once we know what @jamesmahoney needs from me on that front?

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The issue is that the Android app thinks in terms of lessons that have files, like this:

  • course
    • lesson
      • mp3
    • lesson
      • mp3
    • lesson
      • mp3

But the advanced content is simply a bunch of files linked to the course, like this

  • course
    • mp3
    • mp3
    • mp3

The growth club content (which used a similar quick and basic web page approach to display all the content) worked because that happened to be arranged into lessons.

I can add something into the App to convert the data back into the structure it needs. This is how it looks
There’s nothing I can do about getting the interviewee’s names in there because the data doesn’t support it in a way that’s not massively painful to extract.


Are there any likely timescales for when you’ll revisit how the advanced content is handled? This will likely affect (i.e. break) this slight hack I’ve had to introduce.


Hi Rich,

Sorry for the delay … had a few days away down in S Wales (Kidwelly and then Oxwich Bay) … really disappointed that I didn’t get to practice my Welsh … it doesn’t seem to be exactly popular down there :frowning:

… I digress … I’m using Android on my phone. Up to now I’ve had to go to the website to access the advanced content.

Many thanks,

Hi Judith,

I was just looking at what James posted above for Android phones. There is a screenshot of the advanced content in the Android App - but I’m not sure if it is released or still under development.

Is this available @jamesmahoney or is it something which is still being worked on?

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi Rich,
No, its not available - I’ve uninstalled and then reinstalled the app again today just in case it had been released recently.

You should have come to Llanelli Judith, there’s quite a few of us here.
Next time. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mmmm… it’s not on the ‘to do’ list at the moment, unless it’s part of a re-jig that Ifan is doing for content delivery in general - @kinetic? :slight_smile:

It’s being rigorously tested by me, slaving away at it I am.
If you direct message me with the email address you use to sign into your phone I can set you up with access to the test version.


Hi James,

It was @JudithHughes who was asking about the Android App. Judith would you be interested in testing the new Android version? @gisella-albertini might help testing it too as I think she has an Android phone - Gisella?

Rich :slight_smile:

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Right, I have an Android phone. I don’t mind testing the app (after iOS one on old iPod!). Sending message to @jamesmahoney, then.


Oops - nope, my current giant re-jig doesn’t affect how the advanced content is organised from the app’s perspective, so that shouldn’t change anything. I don’t anticipate changing how that works, at least until such time as me, @jamesmahoney and @lewie come to a mutual agreement on how it should be done.

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I need the help of someone technical! I use SSIW on my iPhone and while the challenges download and stay downloaded on my phone the advance content part of the course is on the phone but the sgwrs won’t download unless its on wifi (yes mobile data is enabled for the app). Also if I download it on wifi it will be fine until I exit the app then it disappears.

Hi @amandalaing

You can manually pull the material down to the phone (and get rid of it) by pressing and holding your finger on the Sgwrs or Advanced Content until the ‘Download’ pop up appears which you press.

This solves an array of other issues such as those you’ve mentioned. See image below.

Rich :slight_smile:


Thanks. It still didn’t work. I deleted and downloaded the app again but then my monthly data ran out so I can’t try again until 2nd! Someone else thinks it might be something to do with not having enough cache memory on the phone.

It’s a bit weird, so let’s see if I understand what’s going on:

You download the challenges and the Sgwrs exactly the same way (like Rich described in the post above).

You turn wifi on and wait until the download of the Sgwrs you wanted to listen is finished (you know because you don’t see the tiny cloud on it any more).

Then if you exit the app and go back to it…the tiny cloud appears on it again, the Sgwrs is not available off line, but just in streaming as if you hadn’t ever downloaded it.

However this doesn’t happen with the challenges, that once downloaded you can exit as many times you like and they just stay there and available off line.

Is this what is happening?

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…so @amandalaing when you select the ‘download’ pop up - whilst on WiFi - do you get the egg-timer thing indicating that the lesson is downloading? ( as per image below) Having done this, you shouldn’t need any kind of connection or allowance (I regularly listen in the Dales where there is no signal).

Rich :slight_smile:

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Thanks, for the help. I think I’ve sorted it now. I can download over wifi and it stays on the phone! Yay!


:+1: :upside_down_face: :dancer: :sunny: :champagne:

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