Welsh posters

So… I’m looking for some funky welsh posters (anything on/about Wales/in Welsh) for my office at work something colourful and eye catching. I have done some googling but not seen anything that has caught my eye
Any ideas/links/posters people know of?

Diolch ymlaen llaw!

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I’m tagging @Nicky for you - he might know what Siop y Pethe in Aberystwyth has.

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Here are a few links for you -





I liked the idea, so did a little searchin out of curiosity. :slight_smile:

Mostly touristic, first.
Colourful, but…expensive…

A bit less expensive…

Way cheaper:

Even the Beatles, go figure!

At last something in Welsh too

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Diolch pawb! I’ll have a good look but some of those price tags…!

Bodlon has a nice selection and I like the Manifesto’r Cymro one in particular!

Thanks for the tag or I might not’ve seen this!


Siop y Pethe have some of these in stock, I can’t remember exactly which ones - but I’ve definitely seen a few copies of the “Gwneuch…” about the place.

The prices are exactly the same as Y Lolfa, so if you’re spending over £10 - it may be wiser to go with them :smiley:

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I bought some nice posters from the Clwb Ifor Bach stand at last year’s Tafwyl fair in Cardiff. Funnily enough, they ended up on the wall in our office meeting room.

They look awesome! I’ve got my self in a welsh poster internet blitz now! There are soooo many cool ones!