What does level 3 tell us about Aran?

So, enjoying the pain of L3, but on checking something on vocab list for a word i couldn’t quite hear, saw whole list on app. Noticed something. had a spare 5 mins so strung groups of words phrases together. This is the order they appear on the lists, but i is not ALL twords - some are not so funny. now, is it just me, or does this tell us something about our leaders!?..
I told her my room number , Once , She forgot ,What her name is
Let me , For a rest ,Sick
Such a kind heart
Nothing would , Make me happier Than To escape from These pretty eyes
If you don’t make Me A cup of coffee Right now I will never Love ever again
Which one Of those places Is the biggest . Interesting
Going to come next That happens After The first part The show
That sounds As though you need Some Sleep
He’s standing On his own Over there Inside The entrance Actually Maybe Open The door And close the Window
To sit Between The two girls
If only i could Trust you To play Together Without arguing
She almost To get lost Because she turned To the left Instead of To the right
I hate Making trouble Is that one Mine
Run Across Grass So that i don’t Get left
I used to Live In this area Years Ago
Move To the city There’s no Point
Worry You’re going to Pay
A new bed She has Look for Somewhere safe Park the car
Hurts most My head Up And down
They both came On their own They left With each other I wouldn’t Imagine Myself Having exactly The same


L2 is equally worrying. Plenty of industrial strife and running away from the kids.


If you add a sprinkling of sleep deprivation to all that, you pretty much have my autobiography… :slight_smile:


I was about worried with some of the stuff in vocab course 2. ‘I need to count the fingers on the body’ and ‘I had someone’s ear in my bag’…


Apparently, the urge to leave clues is the downfall of many an otherwise clever serial killer.


What I can’t remember is the precise turn of conversation, on a walk with the Oxford learners, that led to me actually using the “Now I must count the fingers on the body” line. Paging @cat-1!?

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I’ve been watching Y Gwyll, Un Bore Mercher, and Craith recently…now you’re frightening me :scream:


I couldn’t watch y Gwyll when it first came out. My mother lived in Borth. I was pretty certain I knew who the killer was…