Any learners in Northants?

Bore da, Rhiannon
Dw i’n meddwl maen syniad da iawn! I am thinking a very good idea! I am away to the Welsh sioe 17-19th July.
I can make most dates. look forward to hearing from you.

Noswaith dda.
Any news on our meet up? Dw i’n meddwl mynd am dro o cwmpas Harlington?
Dw I chwilio am gwrdd I chi eto.

Glynn, Mae’n ddrwg da fi. Dwi ddim yn gwybod sut collais dy neges di!!! Dwi newydd wedi ffendio fe. Mynd am dro o gwmpas Harlington yn syniad da iawn. Mae’n eitha hyfryd rhwng Harlington and Sharpenhoe Clappers. Mae July yn rhedeg mas yn gyflym. Roedd y tywydd mor boeth a wedyn diwedd y tymor ysgol. Dwi newydd cyrraedd adref o’r Latitude lle es i gyda fy merch. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at cwrdd a chi a Jane eto. Pryd wyt ti’n o gwpas?

So what I hope I’ve written but haven’t checked in the dictionary:
Glynn, I’m sorry. I don’t know how I missed your message!!! I just found it. A walk around Harlington is a good idea. It’s quite lovely between Harlington and Sharpenhoe Clappers. July is running out fast. The weather was so hot and then the end of the school term. I’ve just returned home for Latitude festival where I went with my daughter. I’m looking forward to meeting you and Jane again. When are you around?

Hwyl Rhi x

Yr cerdded swnio,n dda. Dw i credu bod mis Awst yn dda i ni. Unrhyw ddiwrnod, ond dim dydd sul.
Dyn ni’n edrych ymlaen i’r “clappers” ac yna peint a bwyd yn y dafarn falle.
Dw i’n newydd dechrau lefel 2, wythnos 29 ac teimlo’ wella gyda fy nghyraeg.
Ydy’ n bosibl i ebost y rhestr o postcardiau i mi?
Hwyl am y tro


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Hiya Glynn,

Beth am trio dydd Sadwrn? Efallai bydd pobl arall yn dod hefyd. Ond os dim ond ninnau mae’n hyfryd eto. Taith cerdded a wedyn bwyd a ddiodydd yn y Carpenter’s Arms? 13th Awst? Beth wyt ti’n feddwl?

Ffeindiais i lync yma:

A bydda i’n mynd i Northamptonshire y tro nesaf!

Hwyl am y tro

Y dydd Sadwrn yma yn braf . Dw i’n angen amswer a lle.
Byddai ar Ben fy hun.
Dw i’n edrych ymlaen I siarad cymraeg eto I chi.

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Dwi’n awgrymu parco mewn maes parco The Village Hall ar yr ochr arall o’r ffordd o The Carpenters. Sundon Rd, Harlington, Dunstable LU5 6LS

Pryd yn union? Dwi ddim yn siwr. Mae’n dibynnu ar pa route ni’n moyn cerdded. Fersiwn o’r Medium Walk efallai? Tua 5.5 milltir? Beth am yn y prynhawn, os y tywydd yn ofnadwy gawn ni aros yn Carpenters a chael sgwrs.

5.5 milltir yn braf. Beth amser plis?

Maen flin da fi, Gwnes I ddim dallt “Pryd yn union” !
Beth am un o’r gloch?


Pryd yn union… -When exactly… I think/hope that’s what it means. :crazy_face:

Just checking with the pub. On their website they say the kitchen closes between 3 and 5 on a Saturday. It’s open for drinks though. So afternoon of walking and chatting then back to the pub for tea time? If one pm is a go-er I’ll give our meet up a plug on the various learner forums to see if we can find some new friends to join us. Popeth yn iawn?

Bydda i yno un o’r gloch dydd Sadwrn.
Gobeithio y bydd mwy o bobl, ond os na, dim problem.


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Love this!!! Os dim ond y dau ohono ni mae’n hyfryd ond pobl arall yn croeso iawn hefyd.

Taith Cerdded Harlington i Sharpenhoe Clappers (c. 5.5milltir) a wedyn The Carpenters Arms. Meet at the Harlington Village Car Park (opposite the Carpenters Arms) Sundon Road, Harlington, Dunstable, LU5 6LS.

1pm Saturday 13th August

y 13th Mis Awst neu y dydd sadwrn ,ma?

I’m in Harlech this Saturday, and not available on the 6th. 13th is the earliest Saturday I have. That ok?

Da iawn, wela i chi yno. 14th.
Mywnwch Harlech a dim canu plis!


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13th. :rofl: :grinning: :+1:

Hiya Glynn,

How are you, m’dear? Now then, the weather looks like it’s going to be scorching hot on Saturday and we’ve arranged to walk in the afternoon when its hottest. :sun_with_face::sunglasses::fire: I’m thinking that might not be the wisest move. (What’s the Welsh for sun stroke?) Should we adjust the plan - skip the walk this time perhaps and enjoy the shade of The Carpenters and chat? What do you think?

Looking like it’s the two of us. I’ve mentioned it in various groups (St Albans, MK, this Forum, on Menter Iaith Lloegr on FB, and Sgwrsio Bedfordshire on FB, a group I created in a burst of enthusiasm a few years back in the hope of finding other learners which is basically just me :crazy_face:) so I need to keep an eye out at 1pm in case anyone comes along on the spur of the moment.

Beth wyt ti’n meddwl Glynn?
What do you think Glynn?

Rhi x

Bore da, Rhiannon
Dw i’n meddwl bod eich syniad diweddaraf yn dda fel arfer.
Gwelwn ni chi yn y dafarn tua un o’rgloch?
I think your latest idea is good as usual.
We will se you in the pub at about one o’clock?

Glynn x

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Gwich! Dyna plan! Great! That’s a plan. :+1::+1::+1:

I’m so grateful to Glynn for coming down to Bedfordshire to meet me and chat in Welsh at the village pub. Next time I’ll go up to Northants for our meet up. It’s so much fun to use our Welsh. Hoping to meet up with the St Albans group next Saturday 20th.