Initially i’m happy to start by offering 5 places at the knockdown price of 35 pound to include dinner on both nights and breakfast on sat and sun. If there is more demand and someone is happy to use the sofabed then i will free that up too.
You will need to share a room so bear this in mind.
As with the first mini bootcamp its for people who have completed level one or course one or more of either northern or southern courses.
Private message me to reserve your place. I do need payment in advance which is refundable if i need to cancel due to numbers.
As with mini bootcamp one its welsh only. A day out in north wales on saturday. Plus something on the Sunday.
Sorry, I can’t manage this one, but if there’s another in the Spring I’d be very interested in taking part. I participated in the mini-bootcamp at the beginning of this month and found it very useful - as well as being great fun.
Well i can keep it open a while longer…might just go for the weekend with my boys if there are no takers…
Welsh only rule could be a problem. Youngest doesn’t speak it. Eldest has a GCSE in it but it makes my blood boil cos he can hardly string a few words together!
I have only done 7 of course 1 and 7 of level 1 so can’t make it this time. If I had done enough I would grab this opportunity! I hope you get enough people.
Ssiw has been a blast and an experience i will always remember.
Sadly i feel it’s time to call it a day. I hope to continue with my learning.
Hwyl fawr pawb. I have enjoyed every minute of my learning journey and i hope to see you all at some point soon. Good luck with your learning journey. I hope you all progress well with your welsh.