Bwtcamp Therapy - Friday 20 - Tuesday 24th.
Booking now open
Cost £96, You choose which 3 nights to stay, though if you want to stay for 4, we’ll sort that out. more details at the bottom of the thread!
For experienced bwtcampers only!
If you’ve already been on Bwtcamp, and need emotional support from like minded survivors…
Or alternatively, if you had such a good time, you’d really enjoy a long weekend of Bwtcamp Rules in Tresaith, then this may be for you.
July Bwtcamp this year isn’t running, but the centre hasn’t been booked by anyone else, so how about this:
Friday night to Monday afternoon.
Generally eat out, although the kitchen area will be available.
Bwtcamp rules (ie everything in Welsh)
A couple of activities if you want, or veg on the beach. We could fit in a Chapel service, a barbecue, a noson lawen, a trip somewhere a bit further afield than a normal Bwtcamp… it’s up to you who attend.
I’m thinking the cost will be about £80 + VAT, which means that we would need to have 10 to make it stack up financially, but because it’s less of a huge leap for experienced bwtcampers into the Welsh-only world, and because we’ll be more able to split up into smaller groups, I don’t see a problem with us having 20 there (as long as there’s not too many of one gender, which could get a bit crowded in the dorms!) It is the first weekend of most people’s school holidays, which may help some people.
So. Expression of interest: Who wants to be there?
We need to move this pretty quickly, as the 20th is only 2 weeks away (!) and I’ll need to let Heledd know if we are taking it or not. If someone else takes a booking, I won’t really be able to keep the centre “on the off-chance”.
Who’s in?