Ookaaay… so board and tabletop gaming in the pub (as per) is… not the thing for the current situation in which we find ourselves.
So who wants to help me try out some ideas for gaming together, in Welsh remotely.
RPGs with dice just need a shared docs and a voice chat channel of whatever sort.
Anything like the Chewdlau top-trumps-alike could be played we with video conf if both people had a set.
And I’m exploring some online tools.
Most of the cooperative stuff like (erm, I hesitate to say Pandemic but…) could possibly work if someone was mover-of-counter-in-chief with a videolink on the board. It might even generate more conversation.
I was also going to a 'learn some Welsh via really really cut down roleplaying dice" session at the Swansea Comic and Gaming con which is also postponed - I could easily do that sess online.
Giving this a bit of a bump to the top of the threads list, because it really deserves a second look - what a great idea!
Os diddordeb bydda i’n siarad i Radio Cymru yn fuan y prynhawn ‘ma am y peth.
Shwmae @leiafee, dw i’n wedi dechrau chwarae RPGs yn y pandemig (D&D). Sut mae pethau wedi mynd gyda’r eich syniad? Mae diddordeb 'da fi i chwarae arlein yn y Gymraeg (a trio adeladieu grwp Cymraeg arlein). Dw i’n byw yn Canolbarth Lloegr, felly arlein yw yr unig ffordd alla i gwneud e. Fy gwaith wedi bod yn brysur iawn, ond mae’n dechrau i wella (a rhoi fi mwy o amser i gwneud e). Hwyl fawr.
I haven’t played any games like this for many years but would be interested if they are going ahead. I probably can’t commit to weekly at the moment but maybe every other or once a month? I have 4 young children so it has to be evenings for me.
Ended up playing a lotta cooperative games with just an extra mobile device pointed at the board. Pandemic and Forbidden Island mostly.
Mucked about a bit with Tabletop Simulator - it does requires everyone to buy it but the swathe of board games especially on there is good
Played some Laser and Feelings just on video chat (one page rules at http://onesevendesign.com/lasers_and_feelings_rpg.pdf)
And Amazing Tales - which is meant for kids but the rules are simple and focussed on story telling in a way which makes them good for learning the stlye of RPGs games and for langauge learners
One page rules for that there
Happy to revisit the idea if there’s people wanting to play.
Hi @leiafee and @ian-mcfarlane sorry I missed your replies (I would have replied sooner and will check for messages more often in future!) I’m definitely interested in playing a RPG (role playing game) online in Welsh with a virtual tabletop. It seems like a great way to practice Welsh. I ran two online sessions a few months ago of BFRPG (a simplified ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons available for free in PDF) and arranged those through the Welsh Speaking Practice and SSiW Support slack app. I stopped because a colleague left work and a lot more work landed on me, but I’m starting to get my time back again. Do you have 30 minutes tomorrow evening (say 8pm) or 8pm Wednesday 29th July, or Thursday 30th July for a Google Meet to talk in English about how it would work? (To talk about whether sessions would aim for 100% Welsh language, how often to run, what days, for how long a session, which games and stuff like that). I can do most evenings for a 30 minute call so those were just suggestions.
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Wedneaday or Thursday I could do yep
Hi @leiafee that’s great shall we say Wednesday at 8pm. I’ll send you a Google Meet invite close to the time. Best not to share contact details on the forum as it’s searchable in Google. Hwyl.
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